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420 Posts |
Posted - 02/06/2012 : 04:43:56 AM
I agree it's frustrating, but at least the guy contacted you to cancel instead of just completely stiffing you. I don't have an office and I meet people at my local Starbuks - there have been times when I go to Starbucks and they don't show up. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Very, very frustrating!!!
I agree that you should not allow anyone to book that far in advance. I guess next time someone wants to do that, just insist that your appointment system is not set up to handle that and ask the person to call back closer to the time when he actually needs notary services. Sometimes, a particular scenario does not occur to you until it happens. All you can do is learn from it and make sure you don't allow that same thing to happen to you again. I know I have been there, done that! When notaries such as yourself post these experiences, it can help others to avoid getting caught in the same situation.
While I was reading your post, my first thought was something that you said you are now doing - just offer general notary services at specific times in your office. That way if they show up - great! If not, then no big deal (not sure if you will be at the office anyway or if you go there only for the specific appointment). In any case, I agree that no-shows or last-minute cancels are extremely frustrating - when they happen to me it seems to happen several times in a row. If the appointment is made several days in advance, I get the person's phone nummber and I do call to re-confirm the appointment the day of or the day prior.
I only schedule these for times when I am not doing a loan signing - that's another reason I don't like to book private notary jobs too far in advance. I also let people know that I have business clients that I am "on call" for, and I get their phone number in case I need to reschedule. I have also referred people to my local pack-n-ship when it turns out that I cannot fulfil the appointment as planned.
One last thing, I've had the same experience that people say they have documentS to be notarized, and then when you meet with them it's just ONE document. What can you do? I just go on the assumption that only one notarization is needed and if there are more than one, it's a bonus! You are already very lucky to be able to charge $10 per signature in CA - I may charge $5 per notarization here in VA. I charge $10 to meet the people at my local Starbucks plus $5 per notarization. I can usually combine the trip with an errand to run at the grocery store or some other thing I need. |
348 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2012 : 11:48:30 PM
I knew when a customer wanted an appointment four weeks in advance for a simple notarization it was a farce. I was to come to his office that was just a block away from my home office and the fee was going to be for mobile and two signature minimum. I made sure he was aware it was unnecessary to book so far in advance but he insisted.
So this idiot who sat on my schedule for four weeks just sent a cowardly little email this evening canceling less than 24 hours without rescheduling. He didn't have the courage to call and apologize for taking up a slot in my schedule for four weeks. I called him back and let him know it was unacceptable what he did and I wouldn't be available in the future. What he did is what other customers sometimes do, is book an appointment and then find another alternative at their convenience, then call back and cancel. Seriously, I don't want customers like this.
Think about it, if there were many idiots like this customer what kind of mess our businesses would be in! I'll never allow anyone to book so far in advance again. What an inconsiderate a-hole. Seriously, I didn't let him get away with it without a phone call giving him a piece of my mind.
The other frustrating thing is when people call and say "I have documents I need notarized". They show up at my office with one lousy document having lied in order to get the appointment. Sometimes I come down to the office making a special trip believing they have significant signatures to justify the trip. I'm often mobile out on the field and try to come in only once a day to my office. Sometimes I come back if I think they have significant signatures. I don't generally like asking people how many signatures they'll have because I want to be service oriented, not appearing to care more about the money incentive.
Lastly, so back to the cancellations. So what is very frustrating to me is when people are calling me for their one signature documents. I let them know I'm available once a day at my office with one hour window for those kind of notarizations. They say okay and book the appointment only to call me back within minutes having found someone else available now. So my question is why book an appointment with me if you're going to go notary hunting then? So inconsiderate of these people who only think about themselves. Why not say "I'll call back if I can't find a notary who can do this when I need it to be done.
Some of the customers out there are missing something in their heads. It gets so frustrating to deal with sometimes.
Sincerely yours,
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