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1754 Posts |
Posted - 01/06/2012 : 03:50:21 AM
Alrighty...I'm not a fan of the NNA, but you need to know that they monitor these boards and hold the owners (Harry, Jeremy, etc) responsible for the content put forth by the members. It's not unheard of for them to contact the owners and demand retraction or they'll sue. You need to take care about what you say and how you say it. This is not a blog site where only YOU are responsible for your words...
I sort of understand your frustration with what you consider bad info, but to accuse them of "lying, misrepresentation and fraud " - well, I can just hope you have proof as to accuse of fraud is a very serious accusation.
And, seriously??? All over an inkpad? Learned a long time ago from a wise mentor - pick your battles.
Linda http://www.columbiacountynotary.webs.com |
348 Posts |
Posted - 01/05/2012 : 10:53:36 PM
The NNA is misrepresenting their $17 inkless thumbprint pads, they're not inkless whatsoever. Ink and moisture is still left on a person's thumb after they leave it in the journal.
Apparently the NNA believes inkless means easy to wipe off. I disagree. I had extensive conversations with their reps who were misrepresenting their "inkless journals" and "inkless thumb pads. The journals were just plain paper journals. In order to be "inkless" they need to have their pages chemically treated to aid in the inkless pads impression.
I was extremely annoyed by the degree of lying, misrepresentation and fraud of the NNA over their inkless items and the length they went to convince me their journal and pad was "inkless". They were perfectly comfortable with their misrepresentations I challenged.
I've had a real inkless system before that was wonderful because it saves on hand wipes. The NNA is lying about theirs likely in order to steal sales from their competitors. They will do anything to sell you their crap and I'm really pissed off I trusted them again to send me their "inkless" pad after I called them about their "inkless journals".
Tell me my eyes are lying to me NNA!
Sincerely yours,
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