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Getting top placement on 123notary.com. This package includes -
To get top placement, first of all the top place must be available otherwise you can't purchase it. To check for openings and prices for the top 6 positions, please visit the Get Quote page. The price for the top 8 listings is on a sliding scale which is based on how competitive a particular area is. For example, the price for Phoenix or Los Angeles could be more than triple what the price would be in a rural area. A top place listing gives you only one zip code. We don't guarantee how you place on the zip search. We only guarantee how you place on the county or zone search. The reason is that someone near the edge of a neighboring area could effect your placement in the zip search. Or if you are 5th place in the county search and far away from th other four, you could be first in the zip search. If you want to get top placement in a neighboring area you can just purchase an additional top placement listing. There are no discounts for additional areas unless you are in a fairly unpopulated area. Top placement is based on a new policy established in December of 2003. Due to popular demand we added 6 placements for the #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6 positions gradually over a period of 3 years. Please call 888-838-1458 if you have any questions.
Year Listing + "10" Rating Preferential Placement + certification - $99 Please call 888-838-1458 if you have any questions. Please read our list of
testimonials from some of the notaries who advertise on our
site. This combo includes:
This combo gets you a listing towards the top of the list. There may be people above you, but you will be above the majority of the people. Most people have a 2, 8, or 9 rating. Additional counties or zones at this P# can be purchased for $129 per piece. We are not giving discounts for additional areas. Or you can get additional areas in California with a P# of 8 for $50 extra per area. |
Signup special. Listing with a regular P#8 placement at a discounted price. - $59.00 Please call 888-838-1458 if you have any questions. This sign up is for a regular listing and is intended for people who are new on our site. It is available to all notaries. If you are renewing and choose this option, you would lose your seniority so it might be advisable to choose a regular renewal in the renewal section of https://www.123epayment.com. This package includes:
Free Listings 1. If there are few enough notaries in your COUNTY you can sign up for a free listing. It is up to our arbitrary opinion whether or not we accept the free listing. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/notary/signup.asp to sign up. Sign up where it says free if you link to us or are certified. Please put in your notes that there are "very few" notaries in your area. 2. If you put a link to www.123notary.com AND www.becomeanotary.us on the home page of your website you can get a free listing. The website must be yours and you must pay for your own hosting and NOT have a web page on someone elses site like yahoo, or aol hometown etc. Please put the links up and then email us at info@123notary.com and let us know your url, name, county, address, and phone number. You MUST put your URL in the listing and in the notes section mention that you linked to both of our sites. 3. If you are certified, please email us at info@123notary.com. Please let us know that you pass our certification test and then please let us know your name, county, address, and phone number. You MUST put in the notes section that you passed our certification test. |
What are P#'s, and how is your placement on 123notary.com determined? Your N# is your listing number and they are in chronological order. The first person every to be listed on 123notary.com has an N# of 1. New signups on 123notary.com have an N# of 2850 currently as of October of 2004. N#'s determine seniority between people with the same P#. If you have a P# of 10 and someone else does too, if your N# is lower than theirs, you have seniority over them and are placed higher on the list of notaries. P#'s on 123notary.com start at 2. People with free listings usually have a 2. People with a free listing who are certified usually have a 3. Economy renewals get a 7. Regular listings get an 8. Regular listings with certification get 9. Preferential listings get 10. Preferential with certification get 11. Preferential with elite certification get 12. Top placed listings get 20. There can only be one 20 per area. The higher your P#, the higher your listing appears.
Testimonials "Since I signed up in 2001, I have consistantly gotten the majority of my notary business from 123notary.com.
123 works for me!!! " "When I ask a Title Company how they got my name 9 out 10 times they reply, 123Notary. I get almost all of my mobile notary work from this site. When I asked Carmen how I could get even more work she explained how to better market myself on the site. She also suggested that I purchase a higher P# for my area. When I did what she suggested, the calls really started to come in. The higher P# has really paid off! Thank you, Carmen. So, will I renew my listing with 123 Notary? You bet I will. Because of this site I am still working and making a living while others are not!" "No matter how many listings I've ever had, I've always made 123 my #1 listing. When business slows and you have to make a choice, the decision is easy: 123Notary! I've been with listed with 123 for many years and have made thousands and thousands of dollars with my top spots, worth every penny. 123Notary is a wise choice in your Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent marketing budget." "I was lost, I could not find my way. I stumbled from notary site to notary site. Then, suddenly, the fog lifted and a bold new day began. I FOUND www.123notary.com! My life changed for the better. The phone started to ring – the work grew and grew. From being an unknown frog suddenly I was a Prince! Then it got B*E*T*T*E*R !! I discovered that I was not alone – I found "The Forum". My peers (err make that "my betters") could help and advise me when the going got rough. Many were the questions that I could ask nowhere else. I was no longer frustrated and alone with my questions and issues. The sun started shining – a new day has dawned for me. Soon, with "a little help from my friends", I was charging fair rates, making lots of money – and actually enjoying myself because I now had some idea of what I was doing! My personal life improved, I was no longer depressed and lonely, even Jeremy noticed the change in me. 123Notary has turned my life around – given me purpose and direction, and a wallet that often needs repairs at the seams! My finest moment with 123Notary.com was when this cute little gal called me for some advise (hmmmm perhaps that story would be better not told). But I can say that my Google Analytics clearly shows 123Notary.Com as the LEADING source of my referrals. And if you do a google search on "Kenneth A. Edelstein" you will find I have published a bunch of articles and am a member of LOTS of organizations, including the local BBB and Chamber of Commerce. But, nothing (with the possible exception of that gal who wanted some advise) has given me more calls and things to do. If you are not a member of 123Notary.Com – and you are a Notary – you are making the biggest possible mistake. JOIN – CHAT in the Forum – give and gain from your peers. I'm glad I did. Thank you." "I have tracked all of my business and outof the 300 signing requests I got from the internet, 290 have come from 123notary.com and 10 came from a combination of signingagent.com and four other sites. Needless to say, I am very pleased with 123notary.com's results." "Since I subscribed to 123.notary and became certifided my business has increased greatly. Everytime a new company calls me I ask where they found me, 90 percent of the time they say "123.notary". My money spent here has made a great return. Thanks a million Carmen and Jeremy !!!!! " "Jeremy, as a result of being listed as a traveling notary on 123notary.com, I got more work than I was able to handle. On average, I would receive at least two calls a week from signing companies wanting my services. If anyone is considering getting into the traveling notary business, I would highly recommend they get listed on 123notary.com. (Rory is no longer doing notary work because his other business is expanding and taking up all of his time)" "Since I have utilized 123notary's collection letter, I have been paid by EVERY company that I have emailed, faxed, or sent the letter to. Previously, I had a lot of trouble getting paid by numerous companies. It definately works. It would have been worth my yearly fee for my high place position just to have access to that letter." I have tracked all of my
business and outof the 300 signing requests I got from the
internet, 290 have come from 123notary.com and 10 came from
a combination of signingagent.com and four other sites. Needless
to say, I am very pleased with 123notary.com's results. Please Use Me As A Reference.
Janya A. Carlson Las Vegas Mobile notaries Clark County, Nevada
(702) 498-0953 You may use us as a reference. Go ahead, please use me
as a reference. My name is Frank Freeman. I'm from Hemet,
Riverside County, California, USA. I can be reached at 909-929-3635
or at my cell phone 909-265-4371, or by fax at 909-929-4600. Please use me as a reference
Debra Hamlin Rock Island County, Illinois 309-764-4197 Jeremy, as a result of
being listed as a traveling notary on 123notary.com, I got
more work than I was able to handle. On average, I would receive
at least two calls a week from signing companies wanting my
services. If anyone is considering getting into the traveling
notary business, I would highly recommend they get listed
on 123notary.com. (Rory is no longer doing notary work because
his other business is expanding and taking up all of his time) Please use me as a reference.
Amber Nass Mail Boxes Etc 1500 Beville Road #606 Daytona Beach,
FL 32114 Volusia County, FL 386 257 9985 Patti Powers Monterey,
CA 831-970-3900 Please use me as a reference. Julie (Judy) Chandler Notary Public, State of Florida Citrus County, Florida 352-860-1650 I'll estimate that I've received 5 jobs in the last two months from my listing on 123Notary.com. I'd be more than happy to act as a reference for you. I hope this e-mail will suffice instead of a letter. My name is Dennis D Broadbooks. I'm from St. Luis county, MO. 636-458-1735. I have received 10 jobs from people who found me on 123notary.com. Thank you. Barre Conley
Pottawatomie, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma 405-274-0271 My name is Michael Coragliotti and I live in Lake County, California. My telephone number is (707) 995-2173. I am very pleased with the referrals that I have gotten from the 123 Notary.com site. I receive 3 or 4 calls a month from new signing companies, title companies or lenders who are looking for a signing agent in my coverage area. This is a rural county, so the numbers are not spectacular but I usually end up getting repeat business from the companies who have contacted me as a result of my listing at 123 Notary.com. Thanks for your website and keep up the great job you are doing. Sincerely, Mike Coragliotti Hi Jeremy, I joined 123 Notary about two weeks ago after talking to you on the phone. I'm a notary in western North Carolina. I got called today to do a signing and the lady said she got my name from you - THANKS!! It was Royality Acquisition and her name was Robbie Evans. Thanks so much for passing my name on and I really am enjoying the course I bought; it has some great information. Have a great day. Sincerely, Wanda Crawford Dear Jeremy, My name is Cynthia Fennig, I am located in the Minneapolis/St Paul area. I have had a number of calls for signings where the callers had gotten my name from 123notary.com. You can use me as a reference. My number is 612-242-9026. Thanks for your email. Sincerely, Cynthia Fennig Jeremy, I was surprised how many calls that I did receive once I joined 123notary. I have joined other sites but 123notary stands out (catchy name) when the companies call and reference where they got my name. I would be happy to be a reference for you. Lesley Fitzgerald, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky. Daniel Flynn L.A. County, California 562-673-9138 10 jobs from 123notary.com in Three months... (I only do indepenedent work- no services) Jeremy- Please use me as a reference Carol Huffard Custer County, Idaho 208/879-5759 10 jobs so far from people who found me on 123notary.com, as this is a very remote state. Hi Jeremy, I'm Sorry that I did not respond sooner. I don't use this e-mail address that often. I am willing to be a reference for you. Marian Jackson - San Bernardino County in CA.(909) 822-4866 I get calls 3 times a week from your site. Use me as a reference. Take care..........Marian Hi Jeremy @ 123notary Just a note to say that I have been pleased with the calls I have received from clients who saw my name on your site. I would be happy to answer questions from others. Please use me as a reference. I have been used by over a dozen people who saw my name there. The Certification I have from you is also helpful. Thanks again. Fred Kanakry. 401-331-0847. DBA Mobile Notary Service of RI. Fredkanakry@cox.net Sam Klaburner from Hamilton, TN and Catoosa, GA. 423-227-2255 I have gotten 8 to 12 signings from 123notary.com. My name is Cheryl Landry. I am in Arizona. Yes, I am willing to be a reference. I have been contacted by 4 or 5 companies that found me on your web site. One of which made up 1/3 of my signing income for the month of July. My phone number for contact is 928-899-4504. Thank you, Cheryl Landry Please use me as a reference Janet Lynch San Bernardino, CA (909) 206-9585 I have gotten about 25 signings through 123notary.com Please use me as a reference, Charlne Napierowski, Erie county, Pa. 814-825-4054, I have got at least 10 jobs from your site, I have only taken the signing agent test, and I passed it. I have not taken the course yet. New Hampshire. I was just checking your web site...very nice...thank you, it has been a while since we spoke...thought i would let you know it is working...thanks again...also, we have a laser printer...once again...thanks...nhridgerunner Please use me as a reference Audrey Oliner USA Washington 360-385-7447 I got about 5 or 6 notary contacts from 123notary.com Please use me as a reference My name is VICTORIA A. RING and I'm from Franklin county, OH 614-486-7642 I have gotten 12 loan signing jobs through 123notary.com. Hi Jeremy, I have been getting several calls from the 123notary.com web site; they seem to have picked up as of late. I believe that I've received at least 7 calls in the last two months. I would be happy to be used as a reference for you. I live in San Benito county, California and my phone number is (831) 636-3852. Please make your calls after 5:30 PM if at all possible. Sincerely, Lynn Shippley Your site is surprisingly successful. When I first joined, there were no referrals, but lately more and more people are mentioning your site as the place they received my name and information. The number of referrals is significant enough that I have noticed the name and the referrals. I reside in Lodi, CA (San Joaquin County) The number I can be reached at is 209-327-7393. Jennie Stormes Notary Public Hi Jeremy, Please use me as a reference Linda L. Wheeler Santa Clara, CA 408-623-8316 I don't really recall but there has been many, many jobs from this site. I really believe that I would not be doing this well if it hadn't been for this listing. I am currently studying the Certification Course Thank you Jeremy Please use me as a reference! Lauren Tibert Wells Park County, WY 307-272-3381 Have received 8 jobs since signing up! I have gotten calls from 5 or 6 new companies in the last month. Each company is another good opportunity. I recommend 123notary.com as a resource for expanding your notary business. Susan Wilson, Sacramento, CA I believe in helping people in general but you have been a great help to me so it would be my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation.. Jim Zilinsky St Charles & St. Louis County, Missouri Cell Phone 636-248-2403 jzilinsk@mail.win.org The first week I began to advertised with 123notary.com I received 3 calls one resulting in my first non-loan doc signing. I notarized some legal documents which only took 15 minutes, (one hour total) and I made $40 for the travel expense. The client told me that he found me at 123notary.com. This more than recovered my cost of the advertisement and I still have a year to go. Jim Zilinsky Get listed
Thank you notaries for providing us with your fantastic referrals! |