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 collecting unemployment question-NJ
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Posted - 07/10/2009 :  5:00:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit PWinFL's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Newnotary

I have a question regarding collecting unemployment while performing closings. I lost my job last year and have been collecting unemployment ever since. I have since started doing closings and eventually will receive a 1099 from various companies. Does anyone know the rules for collecting and earning as a commission? I've tried calling my local office for two weeks straight and get nothing but a busy signal.
I don't know how NJ processes unemployment, but whenever I drew unemployment (MO, NH, MA and FL), any earnings made during the period were deducted from my unemployment check. I always had to report (and usually show proof) of earnings when reporting to the UE office. If your earnings reached a certain limit, then your unemployment eligibility for that period would be denied.

Originally posted by Newnotary

On a separate note, being new I have another question. How far should I go when the paperwork that I've printed out, isn't done properly. For example, my last signing did not have anywhere for the wife to sign. I was told to draw a line on the paper and let her sign there. There are other times when w9's aren't filled out at the top and it is up to the signer to fill in the information. Why is it that we are supposed to be "perfect" with the notarizations, dates, signatures, etc but I get a job where I told there is one signer, get the paperwork, only to find another name on it. I then ask the signer who it is and they have no idea. Then I'm told that it's up to the signer to cross the name out and initial. I know things aren't perfect, but is this normal?
Unfortunately, it is all too normal. Especially with NOBS (Non-obligated borrowers/spouse), the lender may not know, or even care, that there are others on the title or have an interest in the property. The title company knows, but the bulk of the documents are lender prepared and if there is a NOBS, it may not show on any of the documents.

The opposite is also true, that the signing service is only told about the 'borrower' so the signing agent assumes a single signer. Lo and behold, the borrower is married and there is another signer, the NOBS, that must sign the "legals" which include (but not limited to) the Mortgage/Deed of Trust, TIL, RTC and possibly other documents.

Weird names do appear, usually on the Name/Signature Affidavit. This is often the result of the credit reporting where different variations of the borrower's name was used. If there's an incorrect or unknown name on any document other than the Name/Sig Affidavit, then contact the title company (or signing service) immediately to get the situation rectified. (I've never seen unknown names on documents (excluding the Name/Sig Affidavit) except when the documents where prepared in error or pages of one loan got mixed up with some pages from another loan.)

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Posted - 07/10/2009 :  4:39:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have a question regarding collecting unemployment while performing closings. I lost my job last year and have been collecting unemployment ever since. I have since started doing closings and eventually will receive a 1099 from various companies. Does anyone know the rules for collecting and earning as a commission? I've tried calling my local office for two weeks straight and get nothing but a busy signal. On a separate note, being new I have another question. How far should I go when the paperwork that I've printed out, isn't done properly. For example, my last signing did not have anywhere for the wife to sign. I was told to draw a line on the paper and let her sign there. There are other times when w9's aren't filled out at the top and it is up to the signer to fill in the information. Why is it that we are supposed to be "perfect" with the notarizations, dates, signatures, etc but I get a job where I told there is one signer, get the paperwork, only to find another name on it. I then ask the signer who it is and they have no idea. Then I'm told that it's up to the signer to cross the name out and initial. I know things aren't perfect, but is this normal?
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