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Posted - 06/22/2009 :  2:23:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you very much. I think my question was answered 10 fold and then some.

Norma Faller
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Posted - 06/22/2009 :  05:00:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit BobbiCT's Homepage  Reply with Quote
"Recently there was a new Identity law passed."

Exactly as Vince stated. Check with YOUR Secretary of State and ask, "Are there any new laws that effect Colorado notaries? When are they effective? Where can I get a copy of them?" Sometimes you don't need to pay for a training course, just carefully read the material first.

There are "state laws" that specificly effect notaries public in the states they are commissioned in.

Then there are "news", "general information" laws that effect specific businesses that notaries work in - such as trust administration, banking, financial services, lending and insurance. There are laws you may want to be aware of, but that do not effect your function as a Public Official notary.

There there are also "guidelines," principals and practices reccommended by various state, national and local organizations - such as the NNA, Secretaries of State or commissioning offices, local notary associations, federal and local paralegal associations, county and state bar associations, mortgage bankers association, etc.

And there are some "laws" that aren't. It isn't a "law." It is the way the vendor you are contracted with or your employer wants it done. The "law" comes on official letterhead as a mandatory statement of what or how something must be done. There is no citation to a specific federal or state law, but the text "reads" as tho someone somewhere passed "a law" telling you it MUST be done or written this way without exeception. It isn't a law, it may work within the law or a common practice; it is the way the employer wants it done or you don't work for that employer anymore. :)

Bobbi in CT
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324 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2009 :  11:46:34 AM  Show Profile  Visit vince's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The NNA is like most associations in that its primary goal is to ensure its own existence. The e-mail you received regarding the Las Vegas meeting was likely primarily centered around marketing the NNA and its particular products. As it was something they published that concerns you, maybe you should contact the "hotline" they provide.

The Colorado SOS website has some new information concerning notary training and how it will now allow outside contractors to be involved with the notary training. NNA is one of the three currently approved training sources (with the state as the one providing monthly training for free and two others that likely charge a fee). Very little was said on the site about you concern for ID (electronic or otherwise - at least without signing in), but did include the only approved form of ID that sent with the application when obtaining a commission.

In my opinion, you should consider calling your secretary of state office for Colorado specific information regarding any recent legislation that affects your state specific requirements and what you need to be aware of to comply (303-894-2200 then press 2). Each state has its own requirements which may or may not be identical to those adjoining it.
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Posted - 06/20/2009 :  5:40:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I received an email about 2 weeks ago about attending the Las Vegas conference, and I saw this: Notary Signing Agent Section, Business Has Changed Since Market Meltdown, FHA Finalizing eMortgage Standards.

Yes, I live in Colorado and I wondered if the new law passed affected every notary or does it just apply to a certain state. I'm sorry I don't remember every detail of the email. I think it mostly refered to how to handle the new e-identification online services, but can't be positive. I'm just trying to keep up with the new laws as they apply to me. Maybe it didn't apply to Colorado.

Norma Faller
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Posted - 06/20/2009 :  12:04:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit vince's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Are you referring to the new ID requirements in California or Illinois? Or, perhaps Colorado?

Or more generally were you refering to the GLBA compliance that has some interesting interpretations regarding background checks and needs thereof?
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Posted - 06/20/2009 :  11:12:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wasn't able to attend the Vegas conference. Recently there was a new Identity law passed. Does it only apply to e-signings or does that also apply to paper signings? If it does apply to paper siginings, how do we put that method into practice?

Norma Faller

Norma Faller
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Posted - 06/20/2009 :  11:02:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit PWinFL's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by goldlvr

What is it and how do we put that method into practice?

Norma Faller


What is the it you are referring to?


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4 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2009 :  10:08:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wasn't able to attend the Vegas conference. What is it and how do we put that method into practice?

Norma Faller
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