Nuisance policy
Any individual who has gotten two or more complaints AND who posts more than five posts in a particular week total from their profile(s) will be regarded as a nuisance. reserves the right to (1) restrict an individual who has been found to be a nuisance to one profile, (2) restrict the quantity of their posts, (3) restrict which sections of the forum in which their posts may appear, and (4) to suspend them from the forum temporarily after the first two complaints are received, (5) permanently ban them from the forum should their behavior remain unpleasant to others after the first warning.
If an individual argues excessively with others on the forum and I get complaints, 123notary reserves the right to limit or terminate their right to use the forum. If an individual uses bad language on the forum, 123notary reserves the right to terminate their right to use the forum.
It is not permitted for an individual to slander an individual or company multiple times if the victim of the slander complains to Individuals who slander will be contacted by and asked to discontinue slandering and watched carefully to make sure they don't continue this unpleasant behavior. 123notary reserves the right to limit, restrict, suspend, or terminate the right to use the forum if the problem continues after the slanderer has been contacted.