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 Accepting only in state jobs?
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Posted - 11/05/2012 :  12:04:10 AM  Show Profile  Visit Dannotary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I can sort of understand because docs are different, bigger chance of making a mistake,but also something that has happened to me is that other states don't want to accept the Ca all purpose ack that we have to use and it causes a lot of problems and red tape truing to record, and close. There are times we can use an out of state ack wording depending on what it says. We in CA cant have the 'personally known' option we can line thru and initial. Very annoying. You have to read out of state ack wording carefully and make sure it doesn't say anything that your state objects to. I dont do that many out of state ones and have thought of not even getting involved anymore with them. Too much risk for mistakes and then arguing over my acknowledgements afterwards sometimes.
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1754 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2012 :  07:55:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It depends on the individual notary's state laws and whether or not they've signed a contract/agreement with the company agreeing to venue.

Florida small claims provides for jurisdiction where the loss occurred which would be here. However, notaries beware of these Agreements you sign with various companies - read them well - some have clauses in them where you agree that in the event of a dispute (which could incude fee disputes) you agree to have the dispute resolved in arbitration and venue will be the state where the company is located. Don't sign away your rights to get your money. Do your research.

Should add to stay on topic - I wouldn't call him a jerk, but I do think he's limiting his business market severely. If he does his homework and works only with good companies that pay, the whole payment thing is a non-issue.


Edited by - LindaH on 10/13/2012 07:57:28 AM
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3106 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2012 :  02:38:09 AM  Show Profile  Visit jbelmont's Homepage  Reply with Quote
There is a notary who accepts only in state notary jobs. His reason is that he wants to be able to sue the companies that don't pay. Suing out of state is much harder aparantly. The responses of the notaries on Facebook were really interesting.

One notary thought he was a jerk. Another thought he was passing up on great jobs by limiting himself.

What do you think of this bizarre business model?

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