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 Majority of Notaries in CA Don't Take Oath for Jur
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Joe Ewing

55 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2012 :  11:18:46 AM  Show Profile  Visit Joe Ewing's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Regarding "majority of notaries in CA don't take oath for Jur".

Do you swear it's all true?

I didn't think so...

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Posted - 01/13/2012 :  02:34:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit TGS1985's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I always give the oath and write which type in the notes section of my journal (Which is always Affirmed). Glad to know the most of my competition isn't as it's another thing I can used to highlight MY professionalism.

Although something you said notaryslife really concerns me. If I understand your last comment correctly you want these individuals sent to prison? Isn't that a little drastic? The impression I got from your story is the all these individuals are incorrectly performing their job, not purposely doing something illegal like back dating and what not. I think in the circumstances you mention a hefty fine with a threat of their commission being revoked is appropriate.

- Tyler Soares -

Edited by - TGS1985 on 01/13/2012 9:01:42 PM
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Posted - 12/30/2011 :  05:58:03 AM  Show Profile  Visit katepratt's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm in Michigan and I have to admit that until this year I never administered an oath for a Jurat, but I now make sure that I do ( and enter it in my log as well). I had to carry the Michigan Notary Primer with me for a long time but I don't have trouble remembering it now

I've also had most of the people whom I swear tell me that they've never had to do so before, except at a court house, so I know it's not standard practice here yet either. Since the Michigan Attorney General is taking such a hard stand against Mortgage fraud involving signatures, it would be a wise decision for them to start.

Kate Pratt
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89 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2011 :  10:34:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit azdocsign's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The same is true for notaries in Arizona. I always give a Jurat oath and for Acknowledgements I always ask: Do you acknowledge before me this date that you signed these documents with your exact legal signature, understand the contents of the documents and was under no duress in which to sign?

Recently the Acknowledgement statements I believe kept me out of court. I had a signer call me and state that they wanted to rescind a document they had signed. In this case she could not. Then the signer stated she was under duress. I reminded her of the oath she had taken and the fact that I had indeed presented the document to her. She afirmed that she remembered the acknowledgement oath and the fact that I had made a comment in my journal that I had given it to her.

I also make a comment in my journal when I give the Jurat oath.

My favorite saying is: "What will you tell the judge?" I know what I will. Do you?

I do hope this helps others.

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348 Posts

Posted - 12/27/2011 :  5:55:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's become very obvious to me I'm probably part of the 5% of notary publics in California who give an oath. I've had a partner attorney complain to me over it and most all clients say other notaries haven't given them an oath in similar situations. I went to two experienced responsible notaries in my area that didn't take an oath from me either.

I tested a UPS notary public who accepted a 10 year old expired license, I then said, Oh I'm sorry I accidentally gave you the wrong one before she did something illegal with it I would be culpable for.

The SOS doesn't have the resources to be convicting all these people nor is there enough prison space.

Sincerely yours,

Notary's Life
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