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Joe Ewing
55 Posts |
Posted - 11/15/2011 : 9:32:25 PM
"I'll bet 30 bucks a day, that it will really pay off big!" And inquiring minds want to know... how is it that Google maxes out your campaign every day but the phone didn't ring?
Too bad the mobile notary business is so nickle and dime that a GOOD lead could pay $100
Because notary service is personal, clients use the same notary over and over. I should know because I'm full time busy seeing clients, friends of clients, business associates of former clients because everyone gets a handshake and a business card.
Do that every day for 14 years and you won't need to waste money on "Sadwords".
Edited by - Joe Ewing on 11/15/2011 9:33:29 PM |
3106 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2011 : 04:07:59 AM
I am painfully aware of what you are talking about. I am also bidding for clicks in San Diego for terms like San Diego Notary, Notary Public San Diego, etc. The cost per click on google in San Diego is higher than for any other metro in the United States! Ouch!
1 Posts |
Posted - 10/18/2011 : 10:23:27 PM
I have been a notary for 6 years in San Diego, CA. I work part time for extra cash. I've noticed that for the small business owner, Google Adwords has become more and more complicated and they have added so many new features to make it easier to the customer; however, with each new feature, the cost per click rises and the amount of calls that I receive goes down=less business. Therefore, I end up paying a lot to Google with few notary jobs. Any suggestions on how to increase business cheaply? Also, with the bad economy, I am getting more and more calls from people who want a mobile notary to come to them to do loan doc's or 16 signatures, but don't want to pay the going rate of $75-$150 for our time, gas, convenience, etc. Heck, if the customer drives themselves to a Postal Store (which doesn't just survive off of notarizations), 16 signatures will cost them $160 in San Diego, CA. So, I quote $170 and that's too much? Any idea how to weed out these people who want something for nothing? sandiegonotaryguy@gmail.com |
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