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 Use of embosser 2
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Posted - 07/06/2009 :  07:55:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit BrendaTx's Homepage  Reply with Quote
No need to defend! I understood what you were saying after I read thread 1.


Originally posted by yngnotary

Thank you Brenda for helping me out. Perhaps I should have copied and pasted the first post... In the previous post I guess the SOS suggested that the original poster use a company logo instead of her embosser since she was using it improperly.

I see how using this would cause more problems than protecting yourself.

In my defense, I am just asking questions here... not that I would actually practise this.

Thank you everyone for your comments. Keeping coming.

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Posted - 07/06/2009 :  07:47:43 AM  Show Profile  Visit yngnotary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you Brenda for helping me out. Perhaps I should have copied and pasted the first post... In the previous post I guess the SOS suggested that the original poster use a company logo instead of her embosser since she was using it improperly.

I see how using this would cause more problems than protecting yourself.

In my defense, I am just asking questions here... not that I would actually practise this.

Thank you everyone for your comments. Keep 'em coming.

Edited by - yngnotary on 07/06/2009 2:53:57 PM
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Posted - 07/06/2009 :  05:50:38 AM  Show Profile  Visit BrendaTx's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Excellent point, Paul.

Originally posted by PWinFL

Besides what everyone else has said, the use of a "company" seal is to be used only on official "company" documents. Using a seal from the "ABC Notary Company" on "ICU Banking" loan documents is unethical (from a business sense) and may even be a violation of use, depending on how the "company" is formed and regulated.

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Posted - 07/06/2009 :  05:45:38 AM  Show Profile  Visit PWinFL's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Besides what everyone else has said, the use of a "company" seal is to be used only on official "company" documents. Using a seal from the "ABC Notary Company" on "ICU Banking" loan documents is unethical (from a business sense) and may even be a violation of use, depending on how the "company" is formed and regulated.

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Posted - 07/06/2009 :  05:08:48 AM  Show Profile  Visit BrendaTx's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Notice that the original poster said, "2"...in other words there's previous info on this message.

I did a search on embosser to see if I could find out which post that was. Interesting "who" uses an embosser to crimp every page.


Earlier in the above-noted thread by a poster remarked that the SoS called them and said that the seal should not be used with correct wording. Good point!!!!

Now...on back to the "embosser 2" poster, that's not what they are doing but are discussing using a company seal. Either way, this is a questionable procedure and (in my opinion) should be rejected.

(1) Too time consuming.
(2) It's a fallible practice because people are human, not robots.
(3) Adds excessive, unrequired/unwanted noise to documents as Renee' mentioned. Someone will always stop and look at the embossed area...waste of worker time.

[edited because of typos - 7:55 am cst 07-06-2009]

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Edited by - BrendaTx on 07/06/2009 05:51:56 AM
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1754 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2009 :  04:51:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is the part that gives me chills:

"emboss a with a company logo instead of your notary embosser "

For what purpose? This is just double, unnecessary work and serves no useful purpose other than to clutter up the signing package and possibly jeopardize the funding of the loan (e.g. the recorder will not accept the security instrument as presented)...

Your putting your company logo on all pages of the document does NOT guarantee that you've correctly notarized and placed your notary seal - your properly completed, executed and stamped notary certificate is your only proof of that.


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Posted - 07/06/2009 :  04:41:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree with the others - this is not a good idea and would likely cost you your clients.


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Posted - 07/06/2009 :  03:07:08 AM  Show Profile  Visit Renee's Homepage  Reply with Quote
You are notarizing signatures, not documents. Whether the document has 1 page or 18 pages, this is still true - you are notarizing the signature(s) and not the document.

This is a terribly generalized thing to say, but I am sometimes baffled by the things NSA's as a whole worry about - as if the world is so full of dogs that bite and bees that sting.

Back in another life, I did post-close audits and had I ever come across any kind of stamping or embossing (which I never did see)such as proposed, I would've had the pkg re-closed (by someone else). My concern would've been the 'unintended consequences', the potential for implied endorsement or deeper involvement by the company or person whose name was shown. It would be considered altered, 'unclean', and probably unsaleable.

Just as in the medical profession, there is perhaps the greatest safety in sticking to the standard procedures. Having seen tens of thousands of closed pkgs come in from all across the Midwest, I can tell you what the standard is - notarize in the normal, usual fashion and NOTHING more.

Any deviation from the accepted/normal standard carries those darn unintended consequences, and unless you have a back room filled with a team of lawyers (like lenders do), you might not be able to accurately second-guess your actions.

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Posted - 07/05/2009 :  8:08:30 PM  Show Profile  Visit BrendaTx's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I personally would not "do" anything that I say I could always rely upon to prove I handled something in case I were called to court.

There is always that chance that the thing I "always" do didn't happen when I needed it to.

I feel that my own notary signature/seal is sufficient. I don't take on more responsibility than I am obliged to. Concerning oneself if someone added or subtracted pages is a noble idea but not something I would do. The use of a crimping embosser on document is time consuming and the reason for it more likely a scene in a Perry Mason show than the reality of it happening in real life. But, your purpose in thinking of this is to be commended. It's seems like overkill, though, to me. It's just one opinion. Hopefully others will chime in, as well.

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Posted - 07/05/2009 :  2:12:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit yngnotary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
In reference to the first post of use of embosser...
has anyone here made it standard practise to emboss a with a company logo instead of your notary embosser just to know that you have processed the entire packet and no other pages have been added?

Meaning that you have correctly notarized/with a seal the pages that needed it and if there were additional pages included that didn't need notarization, the packet as a whole was embossed with a company logo so you could tell if you went to court that no pages had been added and that you could recognize what you "prcoessed?"
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