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Posted - 09/19/2008 :  2:49:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit vince's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Perhaps she is simply trying to prove that not all capitalists are dead in California - the land of extremes
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Posted - 09/19/2008 :  07:24:09 AM  Show Profile  Visit beccafla's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have always been of the opinion that most loan signing classes are nothing but a rip off. Especially now that the industry has all but dried up. A few days ago, I was shocked at what I read on another forum. Unfortunately, there are MANY unethical people in this business.

Re: Business is slow...but, why, SO slow?
Posted by Melissa Liberty of CA on 9/17/08 9:52pm Msg #264536

Just my 2 cents...I also started back up my loan signing certification courses at a couple of local community centers..People STILL think that they are gonna make $100,000 a year being a notary! Oh well, gotta thank the good ole' NNA for that fabulous commercial. Kick started my classes that’s for sure! (At least they're good for something???) Wink

Some comments that followed:

That is pretty repulsive, isn't it?
Posted by CaliNotary of CA on 9/18/08 2:58am Msg #264544

Since I can't make any money off of actual loan signings, instead I'll make my money off of the suckers who are too stupid to know there's no money to be made doing actual loan signings anymore.

Re: That is pretty repulsive, isn't it?
Posted by BrendaTx of TX on 9/18/08 6:53am Msg #264548

While it's repulsive, at least it's almost honest. She's practically admitting it is a scam.

Melissa Liberty's answer:

Re: Return to pre-bubble normalcy ...
Posted by Melissa Liberty of CA on 9/18/08 11:46am Msg #264590

lmao!..I just saw what was responded to my post..Don't hate on me because I am still prospering in a world where people are writing posts saying "This business is TOAST" ...Be honest..You'r just mad you hadn’t thought of it yourself! Oh waaahhh I'm a capitalist ..maybe..but I know I'm not BROKE…Smile !Smooches Wink

This woman has, IMO, absolutely NO scruples and seems to be proud of the fact that she is (admittedly) ripping people off. Disgusting!



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