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 "Please sign as printed" - what is the problem?
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Posted - 02/10/2014 :  1:51:22 PM  Show Profile  Visit profnot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Lots of people like to sign their usual signature because they think it would be hard to forge.

Pretty legitimate reason.

So whenever I get an package via email with a "must sign as typed" page, I print an extra copy and save it in a folder I keep near my journal along with some paper.

When the client balks at "signing as typed" I sympathize AND bring out my collection of instructions. They usually cave right away. I offer paper and suggest they try their "signature for today."

I've only had a few people argue with me after this. One was a couple of weeks ago. The guy was 70+ and kept telling me he was too old, couldn't do it, etc. I said "Yes you can. I wrote it out for you. Pretend you are drawing and copy what I wrote." I made him practice until he had it right.

While he was whining and signing, his wife and I exchanged smiles and shook our heads.

At the end of the appointment he asked for a business card, shook hands, and said he liked me. LOL
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265 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2014 :  11:39:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dannotary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I know what you mean. Had a couple tonight who I told to be sure to sign your names exactly as it is printed on the signature line. So Thomas signs Tom and he PRINTS it!!!!!!!!!! No No NO, I said sign it, you know in cursive, sign in cursive what is on the line. They couldn't get it, and he was a large wage earner. The wife who was an attorney, got it and got him in line. But I have given that instruction in so many ways that I just don't know how to say it anymore or any clearer than I did.
If their signature is some illegible scribble, I let it go, like many of my title company escrow officers do. However, it is is legible/readable, I tell them to do it the way it is printed.
Now I resent having anything to do with insisting on things like they way they sign. As notaries I thought we are supposed to be IMPARTIAL. I think this puts us I conflict with impartiality. I feel intimidated. I do tell them however that it will be construed as being my fault if they don't follow my instructions and that I may not get paid and that they may have to resign and possibly be charged again. Notaries should not be put in this position. This is not what caused a global credit and economic crisis.
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45 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2014 :  02:56:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I tell the borrowers up front they MUST SIGN as their names are typed otherwise the loan won't fund and we will be sitting here doing it over at a later date. At the start of the appointment I tell them how they are to sign and have them sign my log then I can tell if a scribble signature or if it's clear that way I can critique their signatures for further signing. Try it, it works.

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Oregon Notary

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Posted - 01/09/2014 :  3:13:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit Oregon Notary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Geez, Louise!

Is it just me, or do half the people just want to do it their own way versus as requested? I cannot believe how many times I have specifically told a client, "Please sign your name as listed," and they will do it wrong! How hard is this? Or after I quit saying it, they revert to their "standard legal signature" and we have to do those over. Is it attention disorder, habit, resistance to authority, or just plain stupidity? I can live with an illegible signature if they tell me all the letters in the name as printed are included, but if I can read it, it has to have everything, and some people just have an issue with this! I actually had to argue with a fellow who wanted to sign everything with just his first name, i.e., "that's my legal signature."

You know, it's hard enough deciphering all the documents and getting signatures and initials everywhere, now lately I have to make sure these people are consistent with their signature. For one fellow, I had to have him resign half the package because his signature started substantially changing. Of course I did not notice this until we were virtually done and I was double-checking. So we had to pull out his set and resign those that were noticeably wrong. In his defense, I think he just came off a twelve-hour shift. We actually had to make a sample signature that he would mimic!

Seems like such a simple request, doesn't it?

Rick Phillips
Portland, Oregon
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