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1754 Posts |
Posted - 12/16/2013 : 06:16:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by jbelmont
Don't lose sleep over this. These annoying posts are easy to remove. However, I am not always by a computer. I was away for nine days. If I'm busy with meetings or out of town, there could be a delay in removing annoyance posts. But, it is not a serious issue. It is not debilitating or anything!
Not losing sleep - but do find it very annoying and a deterrant to coming to this site when this garbage overruns all the threads posted. It's not "debilitating" to me, but it IMO, it can be to traffic to your website - I know I, for one, don't frequent this site as much any more because there's either no good information or it's overrun by the hacker.
Fine, let the hacker have it.
Linda http://www.columbiacountynotary.webs.com http://www.notary.net/websites/LindaHubbell |
3106 Posts |
Posted - 12/15/2013 : 10:22:00 AM
Don't lose sleep over this. These annoying posts are easy to remove. However, I am not always by a computer. I was away for nine days. If I'm busy with meetings or out of town, there could be a delay in removing annoyance posts. But, it is not a serious issue. It is not debilitating or anything!
New York
815 Posts |
Posted - 11/26/2013 : 05:32:34 AM
I emailed Dr. J. and asked that a few HIGHLY TRUSTED members be given "monitor/admin" authority. They would ONLY be allowed to delete this junk the moment it appeared. That would make the spammers go away as their spam would exist only a few moments at best. Rather than allow others to help, which would require granting the ability to delete posts, he chooses to work himself endlessly. It has gotten much better, he missed a few; but deleted most of the junk.
There is an additional step we all can take to fight spammers. Take a screen shot (nice large file) and send the spammer a reply. Make sure the image is "in the email" and not an attachment. Attachments are optional downloads - images in the body are delivered upping their internet usage and slowing them down. Tell them you noticed their spam and want them to stop posting. If they get hundreds of "no thank you" emails flooding THEIR business email address THAT will hurt them. This "turns the tables" and THEY are the receiver of unwanted unprofitable emails; that they have to sift through trying to find a paying customer. Be SURE to mention which site (123notary Forum) has the ad you are responding to. If they get hundreds of such emails from us - they will certainly keep away.
Kenneth A Edelstein Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting http://www.kenneth-a-edelstein.com |
Edited by - edelske on 11/26/2013 05:45:26 AM |
148 Posts |
Posted - 11/20/2013 : 2:27:21 PM
Thank you Linda. I was just getting ready to write something about this. It's SPAM.
Doris |
1754 Posts |
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