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24 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2008 :  08:32:30 AM  Show Profile  Visit Prosigner's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Joan - I'm Tami from San Diego. I've heard great things about you from Kelly :) Jeremy, I'm a health nut too - getting older but getting better! LOL
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360 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2008 :  6:16:53 PM  Show Profile  Visit joanbergst's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Great class to attend. If your having any doubts about how to notarize documents, this is the class to attend.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
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3106 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2008 :  1:42:47 PM  Show Profile  Visit jbelmont's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Please send me one of the muffins... (If they are high fiber)
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24 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2008 :  06:37:38 AM  Show Profile  Visit Prosigner's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I can attest to the authenticity of this Workshop! Having been a Notary for over ten years, I was still at a loss regarding certain documents. Once I participated in Kelly's workshop, not only do I feel confident in notarizing any document, but I expanded my part-time business to loan documents and can't believe it took me so long to get going! I would recommend this class to anyone interested in finally "getting it" and the world of notarizations and loan documents.
Note: I recall two students from out-of-state too - guess word gets around for things worth the time and effort.

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105 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2008 :  11:45:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kelly's Homepage  Reply with Quote
New Year Greetings Professional Notaries !

Announcing Our First "Notary Essentials101" Workshop of the year,
Showing You how to Perform your notarial duties, the right way!

Instruction will Include our New 2008 Notary Law

This info-blast is for the San Bernardino Workshop Scheduled Saturday, March 8th

Registration starts at 8:15am and class begins promptly at 9am

BONUS: If you are already a Certified Signing Agent (any vendor) you are invited to stay after for a Free Loan Signer 101 Workshop Immediately Following taught by Kelly Robertson -- Your workshop should be over by 5 - 5:30pm

Stabucks Coffee, Juice & Muffins will be available in the morning
Bottled Water, Cookies & Fruit are available all day -- no charge, of course!

SIGN UP at www.NotaryClasses.com -- "Notary Essentials 101"

Your instructor is calling for a "working lunch", so please bring along a brown-bag noon meal. We'll take a short break to relax and eat, but we find this to be a great time to discuss off-topic issues such as fees, marketing, edocs. etc. Our goal is for everyone to get the best value for their time and money. This class is sponsored by NotaryClasses.com and is still only $79

ADDITIONAL BONUS ITEMS: Class also includes a Free Notary Public Identification Badge (paperwork will be completed at class) and a CD with all the 2008 forms!

Bring your Notary Tools and plan to use them. Our entire day is devoted to you leaving confident in your abilities to properly and legally notarize any document using the new 2008 Notary Laws and Forms. If you're not comfortable using your own Notary Seal or don't have your commission, no problem! We've got plenty of faux tools for you to use - seals, embossers, jurat stamps and journal pages.

You'll be provided with a Workbook that you complete in class and take home. Everything that we Discuss and Do is in your workbook. It's hands-on, all day long, the best way to learn! It doesn't matter if you don't remember lessons later because you take your workbook home and can refer to it over and over again with examples of notarizations that you completed.

Are you ready for a fun and informative day, presented professionally? Get ready to know what's proper and legal ID and what's not; get ready to really understand the difference between an Acknowledgement and a Jurat; get ready to complete several types of notarizations (that include different scenarios for Deeds) and get ready to learn the how and why of embossers. Everything is taught in 2008 law so you can be confident in your duties.

If you stay for your Free Loan Signing Workshop, you'll leave knowing exactly how to present any set of loan docs and what three (there's only three!) things to say at the table when your signers start asking questions. It's all easy once someone shows you how and Saturday March 8th is the day!

Our students come from everywhere. We've even got students out-of-state. You've already got a lot invested and every serious professional wants to perform their job with confidence and legally. Make friends at class with attendees that work in escrow/title, processors, successful loan officers, those in the legal fields, Real Estate Professionals, traveling Notaries and new or not-so-new Loan Signing Agents. Networking always leads to great things!

We'll Have Notary Supplies available too. If you need an extra journal or realize you really should have a new 2008 Jurat stamp, no problem - we've got them! 2008 All-Purpose Acknowledgement Pads are also available for sale.

If you've already attended our workshop, please pass this along to a buddy and thank you for your confidence and friendship! Please email us and tell Kelly what you're up to

Got Questions? Email Kate@SigningAgentCoach.com. Ready to Sign Up? Go to www.SigningAgentCoach.com or www.NotaryClasses.com

Thanks so mu
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