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105 Posts |
Posted - 12/26/2007 : 12:30:30 AM
Gerrie Pierre Fleurimond is a personal friend of mine and I'd recommend her any day! Since you are in her neck of the woods, just email her or call her office and ask who she recommends! I believe that you may also have some luck with a lady named Jennie Stormes who has a company out here in CA, www.AcademyforNotaries.com but moved to NJ last year and is teaching out your way - it's likely she has a certification course of study. Of course, we all recommend the 123 Certification because of it's good name and as you desire, is on-line.
Yes Jeremy - it's good Karma!
All the best, Kelly@SigningAgentCoach.com
Kelly Robertson Coach - Mentor - Instructor One-of-a-Kind, "How To" Workshops for New Notaries & Signing Agents http://www.SigningAgentCoach.com
360 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2007 : 09:38:13 AM
We have a great certification program at www.notaryclasses.com. You receive our book: How To Become A Wildly Successful Loan Signing Agent. I co-authored the book and I have done over 3600 loan signings.
You'll learn how to handle the borrower, how to market yourself and what equipment to buy. We also have a set of loan documents to work on.
Go online or call the office at 909-915-1201. email me if you have any additional questions or ask them on this message board.
Joan Bergstrom 24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties. State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com www.joanbergstromnotarypublic.com joan.bergstrom@yahoo.com Cell: 951-522-4919
3106 Posts |
Posted - 09/29/2007 : 6:27:54 PM
I know Gerrie, and she specializes in NJ, NY, and loan signing courses. She has live classes, books, and CD's. She has a website http://www.notarytrainer.com/ There I go recommending my competitors again.... Maybe its good karma to do that.
123notary.com ( thats us ) also has a variety of loan signing courses including printable, physical book, and an ecourse. http://www.123notary.com/loansign.htm |
New Jersey
1 Posts |
Posted - 09/28/2007 : 05:46:30 AM
Hello All,
Newbie here.Commisioned in NJ June 07.Attended Gerrie Pierre-Fleurimond's seminars on basic Notary & Loan Signing. Can anyone recommend a Certification course (online study) for loan signing agents. Not interested in NNA's course. They dont seem to be in it for the notary but for themselves.Looking for an unbiased opinion. And for a course that is recognized by the industry. Thanks in advance |
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