Resources > Glossary > Satisfactory Evidence Glossary of Notary Public, Mortgage, Signing Agent, and Loan Signing Terms. 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R [S] T U V W X Y Z Satisfactory EvidencePhonetics: sat-is-fac-to-ry ev-i-dence Function: noun To notarize a signer's signature, the signer must either be personally known to the notary public, or have their identity proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence. Most notaries do not know their clients well enough to claim that they are "Personally known" to them. Personally known means that you know the person well. Having seen the person once, or a few times does not constitute personal knowledge. Definition 1: Identification of Signer Credible Witness Witness
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