Resources > Glossary > Expiration Glossary of Notary Public, Mortgage, Signing Agent, and Loan Signing Terms. 0-9 A B C D [E] F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ExpirationPhonetics: ex·pi·ra·tion \'ek-spə-'rā-shən\ Function: noun A notary's commission typically has an expiration date. The length for a notary's term of office varies from state to state but is most commonly four or five years. The notary commission expiration date is usually part of the wording on the notary's seal and is typically one of the required pieces of information that must go on each notary certificate for each notary act. In Louisiana, notary commissions don't have an expiration date as a notary is commissioned for life there. In Arkansas, a notary is appointed for 10 years which is one of the longest commissions in the nation. If a notary engages in misconduct or moves out of state, their commission could become prematurely supended, revoked, or terminated. When a notary's commission expires, the notary can renew their commission. California requires three hours of classes to renew a notary commisison, however, most other states have no re-education requirement. Thesaurus / Related TermsCommission Term Notary Commission Seal
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