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Resources > Glossary > Application

Glossary of Notary Public, Mortgage, Signing Agent, and Loan Signing Terms.

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Common Terms 1   Common Terms 2


Phonetics: ap·pli·ca·tion    \ˌa-plə-'kā-shən\

Function: noun

To become a notary, it is necessary to file an application with your state's notary division. Each state has its own requirements, so please check with your state's notary division. Contact information is available at http://www.123notary.com/statecontact.asp

Please keep in mind that you must be completely honest on your application. Most states have a policy, that if there are any misstatements on the application, that you will not be accepted as a notary public in their state, and that your commission could be rejected, suspended, declined, or revoked if any misstatements were found after your commission has begun.

Applicants with a felony record or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude will most likely not be eligible to become a notary in any state. Applicants with a misdemeanor may be considered, although this is up to the individual notary division in question.

As a general rule, applicants must be 18 years of age and a resident of the state they are applying to become a notary public in. Many states will accept residents of neighboring states, or individuals who conduct a business, run an office, or are employed in the state in question.

After the application process is done, your application will either be accepted or declined. If accepted, you will get your commission paperwork, and you will need to get whatever type of bond, seal, or journal your state requires (if any). You will also need to take your Oath of Office, and file your oath and bond (if any) with the county clerk, or whatever agency is responsible for registering Oaths and Bonds in your state or county. Requirements are very different in each different state. California and New York have examinations that you have to pass before you can be accepted as a notary public.

Thesaurus / Related Terms
Universal Residential Loan Application
Notice to Applicant
Notary Commission
Oath of Office