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Resources > Glossary > Administer

Glossary of Notary Public, Mortgage, Signing Agent, and Loan Signing Terms.

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Common Terms 1   Common Terms 2


Phonetics: ad·min·is·ter    \əd-'mi-nə-stər\

Function: verb

Infinitive: to administer

Present Tense: administered

Past Tense: administers

Present Continuous: administering

Past Perfect: administered

Definition 1:
To give in a formal way. A notary might administer an Oath or Affirmation for example. An example of a sentence with administer could be, "The Notary administered an oath on a Jurat", or, "The Notary administered an Affirmation". Part of the job of administering an Oath is to have the affiant raise their right hand and have them make a sworn or affirmed statement. "Do you solemnly swear that the contents of this document are true and correct, so help you got?" could be an example of a statement that the notary could ask the affiant.

Definition 2:
To supervise someone in giving an oath in the supervisor's official capacity. The oath could be given purely orally, or could be related to a statement on an affidavit.

Definition 3:
To run an organization, or a function. A manager is in charge of the administration of a company.

Definition 4:
A notary could administer an oath of office to a new notary just getting their commission.

Definition 5:
Administer is the verb associated with performing the formalities for an Oath or Affirmation, but for Acknowledgments and Jurats, we sometimes use the word execute.

Thesaurus / Related Terms
Oath of Office
Notary Act