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CT - Notary Public Website Please visit our state notary division contact page to find contact information for the Connecticut notary division. CT - Notary Public Mobile Fees If travel is required then you may charge an additional thirty-five cents ($.35) for each mile traveled. Connecticut Notary Fees Effective July 1, 2000, the fee for any act performed by a notary public, in accordance with the provisions of the general statutes, is five dollars ($5.00).
CT - Other Information of Interest Notaries in the State of Connecticut are appointed for terms of five (5) years which expire on the last day of the month in which the notary was originally appointed. Each term is separate. Renewal applications are mailed three months in advance of the expiration date to the address recorded in the CT Notary Public Database. If a particular notary public fails to record changes of address, it will be unlikely that they will receive the renewal application. As a consequence, the notary's term may expire. For further information see "Changes of Name & Address" below. Become a Connecticut Notary Public Qualifications. To become a Connecticut Notary Public you must be at least eighteen years of age and either reside within Connecticut or have a primary place of business within the state. All applicants must pay a $120 application fee and pass a written examination given by the Secretary of State's office. The examination is part of the application form and the exam is taken under oath. Five Year Term A Connecticut notary public has a term of five years. A notary may get a new commission to start when the old one finishes. Renewal applications should be mailed in three months before the expiration of the notary's current term. Each term is separate though. Oath of Office Notary applicants must take an oath of office from any official authorized to administer oaths. The oath must be recorded with the town clerk. Other information The State of Connecticut has both an individual Acknowledgment wording, but also has a Corporate Acknowledgment wording where the capacity of the corporate officer is identified. There is also a credible witness acknowledgment form and signature by mark acknowledgment form which is not existant in most other states. Renewal All Notary Commissions end at the last day of the month that the notary was originally appointed. Renewal applications are always mailed three months in advance of the expiration date to the address that is on file in the notary public database. If the notary public changes their address or name, they should inform the Secretary of State within 30 days of the change. Resignation A CT notary public can resign their commission any time, by contacting the Secretary of State's office in writing, informing them of their intention to resign and the effective date of the resignation. Sample Corporation Acknowledgment Wording State of Connecticut County of _____________________ ss. (Town/City) On this the________day of____________, 20____, before me, (name of notary), the undersigned officer, personally appeared (name of officer), who acknowledged himself/herself to be the (title officer) of (name of corporation) a corporation, and that he/she as such (title of officer), being authorized so to do executed the foregoing instrument for the same for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the corporation by himself/herself as (title of officer). In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand. ______________________ Signature of Notary Public Dual State Notary Commission Information If you are a Rhode Island notary or a Rhode Island resident, you can ask the Connecticut notary division if you can apply for a Connecticut notary commission. Related Links New York NotaryMassachusetts Notary NYC Notary BLOG - Crossing the Notary Barrier | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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