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 My rant of the day - faxbacks
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122 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2012 :  8:06:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How about being told to faxback just the important docs such as the 4506 and W-9?
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24 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2012 :  4:46:11 PM  Show Profile  Visit 17516's Homepage  Reply with Quote
only did one fax back after that I just refuse the order point blank because in most cases in my experience - the company's pay does not cover the cost of doing the transaction... for another view point.


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171 Posts

Posted - 07/29/2012 :  1:44:58 PM  Show Profile  Visit DianaNotary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
oh....just can't stand faxbacks... so much hassle to go through the list-tab-fax-put it back in order Ough.... why in the world do they need it from an experienced notary.

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265 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2012 :  1:00:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dannotary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
they need faxbacks for non owner occupied properties, or fast funding not just to be mean.
Some signing co's like to babysit your work. Esp if one is inexperienced. Lots of the low ball co's do it to maintain quality control, again, if they are low balling, probably used to inexperienced notaries.

Lee in AZ is right. For more services provided,moretime taken, more fees required. Does anyone in any business do anything extra just because?
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265 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2012 :  12:58:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dannotary's Homepage  Reply with Quote
they need faxbacks for non owner occupied properties, or fast funding not just to be mean.
Some signing co's like to babysit your work. Esp if one is inexperienced. Lots of the low ball co's do it to maintain quality control, again, if they are low balling, probably used to inexperienced notaries.
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28 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2012 :  05:45:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Faxbacks are a pet-peeve of mine. Only because it is such a hassle to get paid for them. But I have learned some interesting things here. Now I am running to the sites to see what the penalty is for not doing it and possibly to FedEx for that pic of their fees.

P.E.G. Notary Services
A MINI Mobile Notary
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678 Posts

Posted - 06/24/2012 :  08:44:34 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
lightk... No, I've not faxed back a whole package and let them deal with it--only because my ol' fax would require too much babysitting to do that; plus it would tie up my phone line too long.

But, I know people who do and if I had a superfast, plop package on, push button, no babysitting needed fax...yes, in a heartbeat I'd do that simply to cut down on MY work (and hope it would discourage this kind of behavior). However, it most likely comes into a computer on their end and isn't printed, but it still would save me a lot of time/labor.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
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New York
815 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2012 :  7:29:55 PM  Show Profile  Visit edelske's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have a picture in my cell phone of the fax rates at the local FedEx office. They are:
Local (within New York City) 1.49 first page 1.00 each additional
Long Distance 2.49 first page 1.50 each additional

That is how I do faxing - I explain that I refuse to go "out of pocket" and will require an immediate PayPal payment (+ PayPal fees) to my account - so I can use my PayPal credit card in the fax machine.

Naturally, if there is a fax machine available in an office environment, and they will let me use it - that's what I do.

It's quite amusing how the "need" disappears when the "cost" comes into play. Almost forgot, if I have to go to that FedEx office there is also a "trip" fee - as my time and gas are not free for the asking.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
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108 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2012 :  03:35:47 AM  Show Profile  Visit lightk's Homepage  Reply with Quote
So true, Lee. Thanks to replying.

Do you ever just fax back the whole package and let them deal with all the extra waste on their end?

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678 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2012 :  9:00:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just some thoughts... if they ding you $25 for not doing the faxbacks, they ought to be paying you the same additional fee to do them.

I don't bother replacing them properly in the package, they just get put on top. It is still time/dollar-consuming to do this so compensatio is required for the work.

You say you've been working with this co. for 7 years---now that you know they are going to require these faxbacks, it's time to increase your fee so you are adequately compensated.

Their method of informing you AFTER the signing has taken place just screams of abuse. They know full well what they are doing; stop them.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
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108 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2012 :  11:22:20 AM  Show Profile  Visit lightk's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Let me preface this by saying I've been a mobile notary for 14 years. I've also been working with this particular company for 7 years.

I print a 138 page document set. Was told there will only be a couple of pages to fax back. They'll email me the list after the closing.

I get home - I'm to fax back 22 documents. This equated to 48 pages. Now, I've spent way too much time looking up the docs, tabbing them so I can put them back into the correct order sequence to avoid the $25 fee reduction.

I'm just ticked off. But, was told that the fax backs are now a requirement before approving the return shipping.

How do you all handle it when you're told "a couple of pages" and it turns into 48? I've already agreed to a certain fee ahead of time.

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