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 When you notarize the note
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Posted - 02/24/2013 :  1:02:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fannie MAE has it on their forms instructions that the certification statement "may" be added to the note. They told me that it is up to the lender to determine if it complies with the Virginia guidelines. Virginia notary handbook does not support that we certify a document of this kind. I attach an all purpose acknowledgement that includes that it is for the note.
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420 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2012 :  04:46:51 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would say about half the Notes in VA have the notarization certificate on them. I have no idea why some have it and some don't. There is one lender that I do their packages all the time and they do not have a notarization on the Note EXCEPT when the loan is set up as a bi-weekly payment loan - those packages (same exact lender) have the Note notarized.

As far as having the notary registration number requested on the DOT, here in VA the notary registration/commission number is required on every notarization. Most of us just have it included on our notary stamp, but sometimes the notary certificate will have a place for us to write it in also.

Edited by - CopperheadVA on 03/04/2012 04:49:40 AM
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Venita Peyton

North Carolina
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Posted - 03/03/2012 :  5:23:08 PM  Show Profile  Visit Venita Peyton's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by nova-notary

Thanks for the responses. I was confused by this at first and I too thought that it was outside the scope of my duties but, I have had enough calls from different companies to tell me otherwise. I guess it is just a Virginia thing like copperhead says so I'll go ahead and continue to certify these.

Actually, I think that's odd. I completed a signing 2 weeks ago in Durham NC for a property in Petersburg (VA). The note did not require notarization. The deed required my notary number (which I've never had to provide for for properties here nor in other states.

Venita Peyton
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6 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2012 :  07:58:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the responses. I was confused by this at first and I too thought that it was outside the scope of my duties but, I have had enough calls from different companies to tell me otherwise. I guess it is just a Virginia thing like copperhead says so I'll go ahead and continue to certify these.
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Posted - 01/25/2012 :  07:37:25 AM  Show Profile  Visit Renee's Homepage  Reply with Quote
You'll also find the loan number on both (obviously, should match).
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420 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2012 :  06:37:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a Virginia thing. I always check the following:

- Date of DOT matches date listed in the certification
- County/City/Town listed for the location of the property matches what is listed in the certification
- Interest rate on DOT matches the rate on the Note
- Loan amount on DOT matches the loan amount on Note

Sometimes the interest rate is not listed on the DOT, but usually it is (at least that is the case for the Virginia DOT's that I see).

I also add wording to make it Virginia-compliant. Venue is usually missing and so is date of notarial act.
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1754 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2012 :  05:54:28 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've only had to notarize a note once and have never seen this language in any of the closings I've done. I don't think that's for you to complete - I think that's title's domain. I know I, personally, would not certify as to the accuracy of the relationship between the Deed of Trust and the Note - that's way beyond my scope of authority.

Let someone at title do that when they get the package back. They have hands-on experience and knowledge of the file and the docs.


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6 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2012 :  05:42:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I notarize the note saying: "This is to certify that this is the Note described in and secured by a Deed of Trust dated..." what exactly am I certifying? Am I simply saying that this is the Note that was attached in the same document as the Deed? Also what are some good ways to verify that it is in fact the note described in the deed? Thanks for your responses, this has always confused me.
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