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 Bizarre things happened on my Utah trip

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 12/24/2021 : 10:28:49 AM
Dear Notaries,
Forgive me for being late on my work. I had to go to Utah for healing energies before the weather got too cold. It was a last minute decision. I had about five more days of work but the weather would have cooled down too much to go if I waited. And where I went there were not good computers so I couldn't do much work.

According to my psychic reading, Cedar City, UT would be good for neck energy. So, I went, and my readings confirmed that it was good. I get a small improvement daily and also benefit to my feet and bladder.

I went to Pine Valley to hike and meditate. On the internet it looked surreal like a portal to heaven or a place of refuge in a doomsday scenario movie. I meditated there and received spiritual transmission from Lord Krishna and an unexpected visit from the spirit of Lord Ganesh. These are Hindu spiritual entities, Demi-Gods, or Gods depending on how you define them.

That night I went to a restaurant in St. George to get Thai style duck. It was excellent. All breast meat with very fresh veggies in the coconut curry. After I finished, I said loudly, "Waiter, may I have a BILL for my DUCK?" The waiter liked my joke and said that I didn't have to pay because an anonymous person paid my bill. Wow! That has never happened to me in my life.

After that I drove to the Grand Canyon through Vegas and my car got covered in ice. I couldn't open my drivers door and didn't want to rip the handle off. So, I went in the passenger door which opened easily and kicked the other door open. It took 20 minutes of almost getting frost bite on my fingers cleaning my car off and heating it up on that 28 degree morning. I took boring walks on the rim -- once again for healing. I mapped out where the healing energies are and walked near them.

The cracks in the rock structure under the surface in parts of the rim create good energies for the colon and lower legs in particular sections. Very interesting. The areas good for colon have underground water channeled in narrow cracks in huge rocks while the areas good for lower leg just have cracks with not much water according to my psychic sources. Bizarre, but it seems to work. My legs feel better and I was able to get through Mexican food with pinto beans with no gas or bloating for the first time in years.

After that I went to Sedona for a few hours and learned about some Vortexes that were not on the map. One was for Kidney healing energy and another was to interact with the Gods. So, I hiked for an hour in the Kidney vortex and then meditated for a few minutes at the portal to the Gods and got more transmission from Lord Krishna even though I meditated for only 5 minutes.

I left Sedona and headed to Scottsdale where I actually got some work done on the computer, but didn't have the energy to do much. I ate healthy food for healing, watched videos of healing places on youtube, and did day trips to a few healing places as well.

After a week in Scottsdale, it was hard to leave. I feel right at home there and there are so many things to do. The hotel has an excellent keyboard and computer (and yes the keyboard matters as much as the computer). There are two more computers at the sister hotel across the parking lot that I have access too. Endless restaurants; Endless hiking; Endless places to do day trips; I sleep well there and meditate well there. Yes, it was hard to leave.

I went to Benson, AZ to meditate and do day trips to healing spots in Tucson which is about an hour away. It was tiring doing all of that driving, but the meditation was good. Finally it was time to start heading home so I headed towards home and stopped for the night in Yuma and near Joshua Tree in Yucca valley to get my energy up as I was really tired.

Throughout my trip, shamanic native spirits were doing healing work on me and advising me about where to go on my day trips for healing. Their information proved to be very reliable and helpful. Thank you shamans!

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