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 My interactions with Carol Ray

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cfsac7 Posted - 11/19/2013 : 4:58:52 PM
I know many people on this forum don’t like Carol Ray, but her intentions and conversations with me appeared genuine.

On Oct 29 the NNA released the SPW guidelines. By Oct 30 a group of us had organized and had planned a website for the purpose of addressing the SPW issues and a place for notary signing agents to unite. My niece, who was going to build the website for us, had a personal long term issue arise and was unable to build the website. Some person called Notary On The Go and myself started posting on Notary Rotary for someone to help build the website for us. Along comes Carol Ray and her Notary Rotary message is below. I agreed to join forces with her. My team worked for two weeks and every bit of content that was written and designed on AmericanNotarySigningAgents.com was our creation. Her daughter Barbara put the website together. All along I received numerous phone calls and emails warning me that she would use me and my group to get this project done and would claim credit to it. Before my team was ready for the website to be released, Carol Ray and jaxnotary031 began posting on Notary Rotary about the website. I was confused as this was not the plan. Today I received the email at the bottom. Well, people were right. She did use my team for all of the work and has not effectively laid claim to it. Now you wonder why NNA has the power it does. If someone would turn on a fellow NNA and do this, where is our power? Where are we united? I can’t speak for all of my team members who worked on this project, or the people that supported us, but I am so deeply upset that she would do this.

Notary Rotary Private Message
Date: Tuesday, November 05, 2013
To: Recipient Hidden
From: Carol Ray

Subject: We need an SPW Alternative


I don't visit this forum very often but I am knee deep in this SPW stuff was curious as to what was being said. I just read your post. We have a group of people on the LinkedIn forums who have approached me about a similar plan. I offered to purchase the domain and create the website.

Your idea is good and we plan on going further with letters going out to the governors of every state. We are getting some council on how best to approach this from an advocacy expert. I have also reached out to a friend of mine who owns a notary association with 50,000 plus members and he may be willing to act on behalf of the notaries at these SPW proceedings. I do not post on the NotRot forum for reasons of my own, but it seems to me that we have 2 different camps and could benefit from joining forces.

Please keep this message to yourself and let me know what you think.

Carol Ray, Owner

Carol Flinn,


As of 11:45 PM on 11/17/2013, your participation and involvement in the ANSA was terminated.
Consider this additional written notice that by consensus and agreement of The Board members of The ANSA on 11/17/2013,
It was decided that it was in the best interest of the organization and all involved that your relationship in a leadership position was no longer desired.
The reason for this was explained in detail to you in several emails on 11/17/2013. I can forward and provide copies if you request and desire them.
You are no longer authorized to be a spokesperson, or organizer on behalf of The ANSA.
You no longer represent the views, opinions or can comment on behalf of The ANSA.
You no longer have access to any ANSA email accounts or can act in an administrative capacity for and on behalf of The ANSA.
You no longer have access in an administrative capacity or responsible in any capacity for The ANSA web site know as http://www.americannotarysigningagents.org.
You can no longer represent yourself as having ANY DECISION making, binding authority ,on behalf of The ANSA.
You can not solicit on behalf of The ANSA.
You can not make any agreements with any individuals or groups on behalf of The ANSA.
You do not own any content, information, web site, accounts, intellectual property, physical property, of The ANSA.
You are requested not to contact by phone, or text anyone involved in The Board OF The ANSA.
Consider this a cease and desist request on behalf of The ANSA of any form of your involvement in The ANSA.

You can as a NSA ( Notary Signing Agent) remain a member of The ANSA. The ANSA is open to all duly commissioned notary signing agent.
You are welcome to post on the forums of The ANSA. You are subject to all rules and guidelines of membership in The ANSA.

Please abide and honor these request for the sake and benefit of all concerned.

This is final and formal notice of your TERMINATION, dated this 19 th of November, 2013 @ 3:56 PM EST.

Respectfully requested,

Jose Ramon Maestre
Chairman of the Board of The ANSA

Dear ANSA Board of Directors,

Please be advised that ANSA does not have my permission to use any of the web content that was created by me. I have proof that of those documents and all website content that I created and were sent by email for use on the website which was to be a joint venture between Carol Ray and myself.

Numerous people reached out to me telling me that Carol Ray was only utilizing me for her benefit and planned to steal the website, the mission and the content from me. Each time she adamantly denied this and I continued trust her.

My emails will also support all of the aforementioned.


Carol Flinn

Jose R Maestre
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cfsac7 Posted - 11/19/2013 : 5:07:03 PM
I really should proof more carefully. Not my forte which is why I needed website help.

If someone would turn on a fellow NNA (oops should be NSA) and do this, where is our power? Where are we united?

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