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 Jail signings: handing the journal thru slot

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 10/08/2013 : 03:14:43 AM
For those of you who don't know, you have to put your journal through a narrow 1 inch slot at many jails to get it to the warden and prisoner. The journal is out of your control at that point. You can trust the warden to protect your property. The prisoners are not going to make trouble with a notary. But, it is out of your control. Legally you cannot let that journal out of your sight when it is not locked up (CA).

Does it bother you when you put your journal through the slot?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rwedertz Posted - 11/17/2013 : 6:29:21 PM
Reading about "slots" is funny! Obviously you have never done a jail signing in New Mexico, still in the eyes of many, the Wild West. You go to the jail....stand in line with a bunch of sleazy individuals, most of whom need a bath, and get to the Sergeant's Desk. You identify yourself, your reason for being there, and they send you behind the desk to the salliport, which they buzz open for you.

You put your briefcase on the desk and walk through the metal detector and they hand your briefcase back to you, which could be filled with dope, guns or whatever. They never look because they consider a Notary like an attorney (nor sure if that's good or bad) and then they direct you to walk down a long hall (unescorted) until you come to Pod E (as an example). You pass many orange jumpsuited people and come to Pod E. You pass through two unlocked doors into the overcrowded Pod and tell the Pod Supervisor whom you wish to see and then they shout out the name and the prisoner comes over and you sit down on a picnic type table in the Pod and transact your business, during which time you are hit up for smokes, money, or whatever, as the Pod supervisor chases them away, repeatedly.

Slots? Hardly. Live prisoners.....Yup. The Pods are so overcrowded that they have mattresses on the floor as there are not enough cells in each Pod. Sort of like the dayroom of a mental facility. After you are done, you just reverse course, and back to the reception area, where everyone starts asking you "Are you a lawyer?" Then, sadly, I tell them "No, I couldn't qualify because my parents were married." We always have fun in New Mexico.

bakerbee Posted - 10/11/2013 : 5:37:38 PM
When I do notary work at a prison (ie. jail) there is a small slot that you can slide half of the book through which they can sign in and can also touch the notary thumb pad through the metal grid in order to make their thumbprint. Some jails have a small metal door that can be opened to alllow you to get things to the prisoner. The book never leaves me. Not sure the paper signature taped to the book would fly here in California.

sashad Posted - 10/11/2013 : 09:25:01 AM
In AL--I don't put journal thru slot. I send a form that is the same layout & info as the signing area in the journal. When I get it back signed, I cut it out & tape it in the sequential blank in the existing journal. All info is there, and I could testify to the circumstances & validity of the notarization. If the journal is my record, it's my record.

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