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 New email from FASS re: Chase Loans...WHAT??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
esnotary Posted - 09/11/2012 : 10:00:14 PM
Just received and email from First American Signature Services informing me of their new policies on Chase loans....1. When I contact the borrower I must confirm whether or not the signing is at a Chase Branch. 2. When I've confirmed with the borrower I must go to the branch even if the document package was unavailable for me to print. 3. The Branch will print the documents for me when I arrive there. 4.If the documents aren't available for me when I arrive I must "stay at the branch and wait for the document package until the time I need to part to reach another destination" 5.When I need to depart, I must inform the LO and the mortgage broker that I must leave due to prior arrangements.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dannotary Posted - 09/20/2012 : 11:24:42 AM
I saw that too recently, are they kidding? How is the branch going to be able to print those docs at the last minute with NO prior knowledge of anything? Are they going to be able to jerk the docs out of the title co just like that? I doubt it, more time wasted waiting around. My advice, DONT EVEN FOOL WITH THIS OUTFIT!! They are leaders of low ballers too.

Have been a Calif notary 30yrs, was a realtor for 12 yrs, signing agent for 13 yrs having completed approx 11,000 loan signings.Spanish English bilingual. Avail M-F, 9-9 some weekends and holidays.
edelske Posted - 09/13/2012 : 4:55:10 PM
I had one that asked me to time travel. It was NOT a "time zone" issue. We were both (they in Penn. me in NYC) in the same time zone. At 4:30PM they asked me to "be there at 3:30". When I mentioned that their request was for me to arrive "an hour ago" - they simply asked *again* if I could be on location at 3:30 !!!

Of course the docs had NOT been sent yet.

Me thinks the scheduler pushed the Q-tip a bit too far when cleaning the right ear and what little gray matter was met - oozed out the left ear.....

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
esnotary Posted - 09/11/2012 : 10:19:59 PM
probably the most ridiculous request I've ever heard....oh except the one from the Chase LO last year that scheduled me for a loan at noon, at 11:30 I still had no docs and she said they would be in "some time today" and for me to wait around. When I explained to her that I had a life and things to do she stated that "it really didn't seem that I wanted that loan". Really? waiting all day for $95.00? Sorry, my horse is calling!

Lee-AR Posted - 09/11/2012 : 10:08:49 PM
And they're going to pay full fee if the docs never show up, right?
Plus extra for your wait time, right?

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

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