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T O P I C    R E V I E W
notaryslife Posted - 09/06/2012 : 11:18:31 PM
So I get a signing request for 6:30 pm. I get the docs and download them, starting the procedure for the signing at 5:00 pm. I print and prep the docs which is small for most packages about 100 pages and only 8 legal size pages to print. I begin driving at 5:50 pm and arrive at 6:05 p.m. I conduct the signing that takes about one hour and 15 minutes because they have a child at the table distracting them. I start back home at 7:20 pm and arrive home at 8:15 p.m.

I still have to fax back the docs so I go through which need to be faxed back and check for errors (couldn't at the table due to time constraints of a zip car rental). I begin PDFing the package in 3 parts and send back by email, all of which takes an hour of my time believe it or not.

So it's around 9:15 p.m. and I need to close out the job on the agency's system. I enter the information and notes, including tracking number for tomorrow's shipment taking another 15 minutes. Then finally I prepare my invoice they require for payment, another 10 minutes to print out the invoice from another computer, scan and upload for emailing.

So without going to FED EX, which will take up about 20 minutes of my time at the very least, this job that paid $100 took up 4.5 hours. The materials and toner cost another $10 and the zip car rental was $2 6 for 2.5 hours to go out into the boonsies of the city which is less than 10 miles. The traffic is conjested so it's really a long drive.

So you figure in the 25% tax rate for the job and after all the overhead expenses are said and done I made $10/hour. Wow, what a lucrative business this is. People who are boasting of making $6,000 a month on signings alone aren't being honest. This is very time consuming and the pay isn't that good.

I make real money working for attorneys in trust signings, big signing agreements with companies and directly for borrowers and customers who need many notarizations. That is where the good money is. I make $150 in 20 minutes doing trust signings where the attorney does all the work with the docs and I merely have to glance over them for blanks or errors. So if you're able to develop good relationships with people who will call you for their client signings, this is where the money is. I've made a lot of money (at least for me) this way, one $1,000 job in 3 hours for 140 signatures is just an example. People are happy to pay you if they like you and don't even bother to shop around for better offers. (I'm sure notaries would have offered less for the signing, but they didn't care)

So if you're one of those brainwashed into thinking loan signings are a good living they're really not that lucrative unless you can get $150 per signing, and good luck with that.

Sincerely yours,

Notary's Life
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Brandon - Notary Now Posted - 09/07/2012 : 07:05:50 AM

I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them!


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