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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 06/08/2012 : 9:57:55 PM
I have to visit the mountains for my health and sanity. I had a terrible blister on my left heel. So, I went around in flip flops for a few days to let the blister heal. My heel hadn't adequately healed, but I was determined to hike up to the viewpoint of Nevada falls which is not for amateur hikers.

My personal hike
The first mile was grueling. I had a horrible night the night before. It was 100 during the day, and then rained and became 40 at night. There was no heat in my cabin. I woke up and looked like something the cat dragged in. The shower helped a lot. But, I felt like collapsing every step of the way up that 45 degree angle trail.

Finally, I reached the bridge where the rushing white water was. I hung around there for a few minutes and refilled my gatorade bottles with water from the tap that was next to the bridge. Suddenly I felt completely different. I am a believer in the feng-shui attributes of water. Water really does have healing power as well as good feng-shui for improving your business if you are the correct distance and direction from moving water. After this, I went up the zig zag trail which was much easier, until my blister started to really hurt.

I met another hiker who told me this tale
After another hour and a half, I finally made it to the look out point of Nevada Falls. It was an amazing achievement considering my heart condition, tiredness that day, and blister. Good thing I loaded up on aspirin before the hike began. But, I met someone at the viewpoint who confirmed my point of view that Yosemite is good for your health.

6 months to live -- but he lived another 38 years!
The hiker told me that Galen Clark was the first white American to discover Yosemite. His doctor had given him 6 MONTHS TO LIVE. The doctor recommended lots of nature and forests to help with his TB. At any rate, this adventurer loved nature, but figured that he might die in this wild place. He decided to live dangerously, and he lived another 38 years as a result of being in the rugged nature of Yosemite.

The water and tree energies at yosemite are unparalleled, not to mention that angels are rumored to make Yosemite their hang out place. An amazing story. I always feel completely recharged after two or three days at Yosemite, so I can relate to how this old man extended his life!

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