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 Our 2012 annular eclipse -- surreal!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 05/20/2012 : 6:51:29 PM
I just went outside to see the annular eclipse. At first, the only thought that went through my head was, "Is this the two door model or the hatchback". But it was a solar eclipse, not a vehicle.

I timed it perfectly. I had a perfect viewing spot in mind. The apex of the 85% eclipse was at 6:38 PST over here in California. I didn't have any of those special glasses, so I didn't know how I would view it. The sun was very bright today and the sky was very clear around here.

I looked outside my window and it was very surreal. It looked like there was a lot less light than normal. Perhaps the amount of light you might see if it were overcast, or dusk, but somehow it was different than that. The sun was still fairly high in the sky considering it was after 6pm. It felt like perhaps this is how the light would be if we were on a different planet. Wow! A cosmic experience -- right here on planet earth.

I chatted with the group of people that congregated in our neighborhood park. Many of them had those special eclipse glasses and one man let me borrow his. It was odd... The sun looked like the moon in a crescent form through those glasses. Some other people had a big shaded glass that was two feet tall that many of us could look through to see the sun.

This eclipse started in West Texas and will pass through northern New Mexico, Southern Utah, Nevada, and Northern California, then it will go through the ocean, and cover most of Central and Southwestern Japan before finally ending its journey in Hong Kong and Hainan Island in China. I bet the sun will have a lot of jet lag after that journey!

My astrologer housemate says that eclipses have serious consequences. Iran had a full eclipse in 1999, and look at how they turned out. The Mayan empire had an eclipse right before the Spanish came and started taking over. This eclipse has Neptune in its chart which spells trouble and chaos effecting drug, alcohol, and medication abuse. We'll see the effects over the next few years in the Southwest where there is already a huge drug war problem near the border of Mexico.

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