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T O P I C R E V I E W |
NCLisa |
Posted - 02/23/2011 : 07:41:09 AM I was told yesterday that I don't answer my phone enough. The person that told me that only left me one message in the past 2 months. Turns out the calls to me are automated, so they don't even "hear" the message on my vm.
I answer my phone alot. There are sometimes where it is not possible for me to answer the phone, and there are times where I am entitled to time out. I go to the Womens prison once a week for 2.5 hours and I have to leave my phone in the car. My vm message states that I am unavailable for 2.5 hours and to please leave a message or send me an email. I also no longer get out of the shower to answer the phone. It's rude to answer when you are in the bathroom! I refuse to answer when I get a break and get to go ride my horse. Talking on the phone while on horseback is far more dangerous that talking and driving. I have doctors appts., I have dentist appts. I have borrowers that are so confused and sometimes angry, I realize it's best not to answer my phone in those closings. I have meetings, I also work with local attorneys that demand all my attention for the hour or two I'm working on their stuff. I also get a lot of calls from robots that don't say anything, I hang up. I get calls from low and no paying companies that I don't want to work for, so I don't answer. They will just move on to the next notary anyway.
I live in an area that goes from city to backwoods country in a matter of miles. There are huge areas with no service, and I have at least one closing a day in those areas. I can't answer my phone if it doesn't have service!
Many times the call is for general notary work. I don't want to do general notary work! I do over 125 closings almost every month. I work from 6am to 10pm M-F and most Saturdays. I am entitled to have some ME time, and some time away from the cell phone.
Use common sense, just because we are Notary Signing Agents, doesn't mean that we don't have time off during the week for different things that we must do. We run our own businesses, and our schedule is our own! We have VM so that we can get back to clients when we need to. We work to support our families and our lives, we do not live to work!
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
anne |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 11:03:32 AM I agree. Answering calls is important, but I think it's more important to know when not to answer the phone. Some borrowers, signing companies, and title companies feel very strongly about not interrupting the closing to take a call. |
BobbiCT |
Posted - 02/24/2011 : 10:41:12 AM If I am sitting with a busy attorney, customer or an elderly person who is having trouble reading/reviewing documents, I will look at my cell when it rings, but I WILL NOT ANSWER IT. I can always check my voicemail.
To me, the paying customer in front of me has my full attention and priority. There are times when I apologize and ask permission to take a "quick" call (borrowers never refused). I read of so many NSAs complaining because the borrowers take too much time. Think how it feels to the borrowers, when you interrupt their "paid" time (the HUD-1 states they've paid a high price to the title insurance company for your time)and delay them.
I, too, don't answer calls while driving in rush hour, traffic, bathroom, while hosting my children's and grandchildren's birthday parties, and any day between 11 pm and 7 am. I am not a 24-hour drive through service. I also will not be taking calls Easter Sunday. Who answers their cell phone when at religious services (God or other deity is not as important as money)?
Bobbi in CT |
Lee-AR |
Posted - 02/23/2011 : 1:00:02 PM Wow, Lisa...who said that?!? Seems to me that they are the rude ones--just because we are 'available' during certain hours does NOT mean we aren't currently engaged in our business.
Anyone who expects each and every call to be answered is about as rude as walking into any business and expecting to be waited on before everyone else who is already there.
Besides the scenarios you mentioned, there are others that I feel are valid reasons for not answering: 1. An individual...not a company. Could be anything from a wrong number to a long drawn out conversation that would be better addressed from your home phone. That's what voicemail is for! 2. Rush hour or heavy traffic, rain, snow, ice... my safety is far more important to me than any phone call! 3. There is nothing we can do about 'cell dead zones'.
DianaNotary |
Posted - 02/23/2011 : 11:11:25 AM Wow, Lisa, Very well said. I actually didn’t realize how many situations are out there where indeed you can’t answer the cell phone! You made the picture very clear and I agree with you!
http://www.DianaNotary.com |
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