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 A sense of ownership?

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jbelmont Posted - 12/20/2010 : 1:58:21 PM
I was talking to one of our notaries, who pointed out an interesting fact that has been documented by Starbucks and other large employers. Members of organizations PREFER it and have a happier experience, when they have a feeling of ownership. Obviously the legal ownership can only be for the owner or stockholders, but what about EMOTIONAL ownership? The feeling that you matter and that your voice is heard? The feeling that you are at HOME where you are.

Starbucks went to great efforts to pick the best staff members, train them, and make them feel that they belong. Clif Bar did the same. The result was happy, productive employees. Strategies for enhancing the feeling of ownership was not only letting but encouraging employees to put personal pictures up in their space, have personal days, and Starbucks even sent many to their various coffee growing and processing locations throughout the world! I read an entire book on this subject a long time ago and forgot most of the key points. The main point is that 123notary notaries need to know that they are part of the whole! They are not just people who pay a small fee (or a large fee) for a listing. Their destiny is tied with ours.

But, who's destiny is really tied to ours? Notaries with low placed lisitngs may get more business from us or from other sites in the long run. Its a toss up and it could go either way. Notaries who have a top spot and are elite certified.... I strongly doubt that any other site could get them anywhere near as much business as we can. So, for those elite certified folks especially, their destiny is very much linked to ours.

I have been reading about this intersesting topic. Rather than me do all of the writing for blogs and social media, it is better if others contribute, and they might even get paid if they are any good. Crowdsourcing means you outsource jobs to a crowd of people, rather than to an in-house staff member. NOBODY from another state has volunteered to help with state-specific materials. Yet, everyone is ready to complain bitterly when I write it. Its better if you guys write it... trust me. People are unwilling to produce content of their own, but if I DARE produce content, god forbid there is one or two little mistakes, they will be ready to chop my head off. Rather than abusing the few that contribute to society, become a contributor yourself if you have the skills.

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DianaNotary Posted - 12/22/2010 : 10:35:55 AM
Jeremy, I totally agree with you. When people like what they do, they invest all their heart and soul into the work they perform. You must have really like what you do yourself.
This forum is very useful and comes in handy when notaries need practical guidance or information. We all should be very thankful to you, Carmen and other people who contribute their skills, knowledge and time in order to help notaries throughout the country.
Enjoy the holidays!

jbelmont Posted - 12/22/2010 : 12:47:00 AM
We are already doing crowdsourcing and all of us benefit more than you can imagine. On this forum, we all contribute without getting paid. Yet, we all benefit also without paying. Its karmic, its new age, and it is changing the direction the human race is going.

Researchers have found that humans, irrespective of culture are happier doing what they love, and contributing for the sheer love of benefitting the community. Workers who were motivated only by money were less likely to care about the long term success of the company they work for, but very likely to be influenced by short term financial incentives. Researchers learned that a company is much better off in the short or long term hiring employees who love what they do and care enough about it to do it WITHOUT getting paid.

Carmen and I both do a lot of the work that we do WITHOUT any financial compensation. Carmen mentors thousands of individuals and doesn't get paid a dime for this. She does it because she cares.

I create endless resource materials that are priceless in educating notaries and protecting them from preditory companies. How to get paid, how to get the most out of your listing, reviewed list of signing companies, not to mention endless tips.

The notaries who frequent our forum create endless valuable content regarding which signing companies are reputable and which are not. This changes the whole way the community operates. If there was no list of reviewed signing companies, no NR forum, no 123notary forum, then notaries would be helpless victems and their plight would be far worse than it is now.

Wikipedia is a prime example of how collaboration has changed humanity. You can learn about any topic with the touch of a few buttons. The material was all donated. Amazing. We are living in different times now. This is very spiritual. I belive that god pays us, and if you contribute to the community, even if the community doesn't pay you, god will find a way to get you paid.
DianaNotary Posted - 12/21/2010 : 11:47:35 AM
Hm, that’s an interesting idea… Jeremy, this “collective intelligence” or Crowdsourcing idea is quite interesting. In a way, the 123notary forum is a Crowdsourcing of everything that is related to the notary business. I am all for it!

Renee Posted - 12/21/2010 : 04:53:57 AM
Crowdsourcing - I'd never heard the term, so I did some reading and found it pretty enlightening. Blew my mind to learn that Wikipedia, which would seem to be the epitome of what crowdsourcing is - isn't. In reality (per an article on Forbes), Wikipedia is primarily the work of one 'motivated' individual whose initial entries are then scrutinized by 'the crowd'. Strikes a familiar chord?

So I guess in the end, it boils down to the maxim that 90% of the work is done by 10% of the people. It also might seem to illustrate what you're finding, Jeremy - that the 'crowd' will more readily scrutinize than pave the way w/a new thought or idea. Goes along with the factoid that 1 satisfied customer will tell 1 other person, but 1 dissatisfied customer will tell 10 other people.

The nature of humans - an interesting species, we. If we can learn anything from ourselves, it's this: the nature of humans isn't as personalized as we might feel.

I'm going to throw in one more maxim before my brain explodes from all this deep thought - improvement doesn't often come in at 100%. It's usually in smaller increments - 10%, then 5% more, then 13% better, then another 7%.... and we do all need to recognize every step that goes in the right or better direction.

It's a great time of year for such reflections - the music of the season doesn't hurt, either. We're getting ready to slide into another New Year and I think most people reflect on how they want to improve their {insert any facet of life}.

I think we're off to a good start - dialoguing.

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