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 Antics of a Louisiana Notary Public

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 12/18/2010 : 01:01:03 AM
This Louisiana Notary takes the cake. This notary had FOUR prior acts of misconduct or failure to be responsive which indicates a pattern. This notary is publically and relentlessly slandering us, so I ask the reader to consider what this notary's track record is like when you hear her point of view and unfair accusations againt us. I have never seen anything like this. The notary in Louisiana's name will be kept private. The story goes something like this.

A particular notary in Louisiana had been listed with us for four or five years. There was no issue until 2010 when things got out of control.

(1) Documents Not Returned - 2008
We get a complaint from Rustie that documents were not returned.

(2)Rude to client
The Louisiana notary was also reported to have been rude to Rustie. I emailed the notary, and the notary was rude to me too. This incident happened more than a year and a half ago before we had the review system, so I recorded it in my private files.

(3) No show - June 2010
We get a second complaint on June 30th, 2010 about our Louisiana Notary public from Casey about a NO SHOW. A no show is a serious offense, because a borrower can lose their lock, and it causes chaos for all parties concerned. The complaint reads:

"I contacted Ms. Louisiana Notary regarding some documents I needed notarized. I gave her the contact information, and she responded only once, to give me her fee. The person I needed her to make an appointment with to notarize the documents never heard from her, and she never showed up. I never once heard back from her stating she was unable to provide the service, or even to follow up with me. I emailed her twice to follow up to no evail."

(4) There was no response from the notary.
So, I contacted the notary regarding the complaint, and waited for a week with no response.
Finally I get this message:

Obviously you received this vacation message... It shows opened. See below. So if you knew I was on vacation with limited access to email why would you say you didn't hear from me for a week?

Then after some more asking, finally I get the rebuttal:"This is untrue! My daughter had emergency gallbladder surgery and I left a message for both people. I was not allowed to have phone on at hospital so I have no idea if they called back or not but this is appalling since I spoke to someone in his office. This is unfair and totally unprofessional. Let me know if you need any more info from me."

One minute our notary is visiting a hospital, physically prevented from making calls and the next minute, she is on a one week vacation. You can always step out of the hospital for two minutes to make a business call at some point instead of keeping the client hanging. Was there really a hospital visit, and was there really a vacation? It all sounds like an excuse not to get back to the client.

(5) No Show December 2010
On December 7th, 2010, ANOTHER no show! Jennifer complained to us that the notary in Louisiana didn't show up and didn't even call to let people know she couldn't make it. Here is the wording:

"We hired this notary to do the closing and everything was confirmed. The notary never showed up to closing or called to let us know that she can not make it. We received a call from her daughter that her mom "Louisiana Notary" was in a minor car accident. The notary did not call us to inform us of this. The daughter also stated to please stop calling her business phone. She had also changed the time of closing. We will not use this notary again."

I emailed the notary in question who answers:

"I had a car accident and have two broken bones in my hand and a bruised up face and shoulder. I was taken by ambulance to the ER. My daughter got there and when she got my call phone they had called 30 times. She was upset and sent a text and email to tell them and to my next two closings scheduled what happened and that i was unable to come to the phone. It was my cell phone and she thought she was doing the right thing. She never called them but she didn't know what to do because she had no idea how hurt I was, how long we would be there or anything. It was an emergency that was out of my control".

(6) Mother and daughter's stories don't match.
The daughter said there was a minor car accident and the mother claims there was a major accident. Who do we believe?

Four prior acts of misconduct or nonresponsiveness
I was not sure whether to BELIEVE this notary since she had FOUR PRIORS which is a world record for 123notary. So, I decided to be polite, but thorough and write this email.

"Hi Louisiana Notary,
I am very sorry about your accident. My issue is that when notaries get a complaint, we don't know if they are exaggerating what happened, or if the facts are exactly what happened. Are you able to send me a scan of any medical record or ambulance record from the date in question? I need some sort of evidence that your story reflects exactly what happened.

The problem is that you have two complaints now which indicates that there is a pattern.

Thank you.
Jeremy Belmont

I would not ask a first time offender for evidence
If this were the notary's first complaint on file, I would most likely not have asked for proof that she was hospitalized out of respect. However, with a long track record of priors, I felt that I had reasonable doubt sufficient to ask for evidence. ANY evidence such as a police report, ambulance report, or letter from a doctor would have been sufficient. Under the circumstances, I feel that I acted reasonably.

(7) Relentless slander from the notary.
Then I receive an email with the word - "Ass" as the subject. The body of the emails in the string call me a terrible person, a liar, and that she is going to let as many people know as possible how stupid my policies are and how ridiculous I am. This notary proceeds to post slanderous comments on NR's forum about us, slander us on our Facebook, and slander us wherever possible. Additionally, I am getting two hate emails from this individual per day embedded with all types of insults.

My questions are:
(1) Wouldn't it have been easier just to scan some evidence and email it to me?
(2) If you ran a notary site, how long would you keep a notary like this one listed on your site?
(3) Is this notary morally correct to slander us on every available medium when we were fair and impartial towards her?

This post is in my defense and is not intended to be slanderous, but only to state facts which can be interpreted by the reader.

This is the page that lead to the notary's listing.
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jbelmont Posted - 12/18/2010 : 7:38:42 PM
Please match the facts I have presented against whatever this notary has told you or posted. My version is unbiased facts with NO opinions included.

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