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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 02/04/2009 : 6:16:14 PM
I was assigned a signing job in Mansfield, GA and I accepted. I called the home and spoke with the owner and gave him the instructions stating what documents were requested. Upon arriving at his home (with my boyfriend along for safety), he had a dog with him when he opened the gate to his long woodlined driveway off of a dirt road. Once we arrived at the house he we went inside and I attempted to sit down however, the dog (an old dog) would not leave my space and I am afraid of dogs. I asked him to send the dog elsewhere and he stated that the dog does not bite and the dog backed up away from me. As I started to sit down the dog returned so I stood back up, he yelled at me to sit down and I continued standing and he began to yell and wave his arms and told us it's over, get out of here, get out of my house and we ran to the car and as I shut my door he had let his roqwilder out to get us and the dog was at my car door barking and growling. As we drove down the dirt driveway the dog continued and he never came out to get the dog. We fortunately were able to manuever our way out of the closed gate and off of his property. Beware! of small country towns, homes off of dirt roads. My instincts warned me to take someone with me. He had no intentions of signing the documents, neither did he have the requested documents ready and available. I would hate to think of what might have happened if I had been alone.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 02/12/2009 : 6:11:54 PM
LindaJ I wish you well.
Lisa T. Posted - 02/07/2009 : 11:28:11 PM
My husband has gone with me on signings but stays in the car. I ask him to call me at exactly X time...if I do not respond, somethings wrong - call the police, then come in and get me. I'm no longer available 24 hours and don't do late signings (after 9pm). The only way I would be willing to do a later signing is if the borrower met me at a 24 hour restaurant like Dennys or IHOP....I'm not willing to go to anyone's home late.
LindaJ Posted - 02/06/2009 : 12:32:59 PM
Linda. Thanks for the clarifcation on mods in GA. I suspected that it was ok, just wasn't sure.
LindaH Posted - 02/06/2009 : 12:20:01 PM
Hi Linda...

My take on it was it was a loan modification application - you know, that procedure that everyone is questioning as to how ethical they are and whether or not it's just taking the borrowers for a few thousand dollars and causing more harm than good? That was what I thought she meant and I'm not sure that falls under the GA "attorney only" guidelines as there's no transfer of property or no granting of the property for security involved in that initial process.


LindaJ Posted - 02/06/2009 : 11:42:16 AM
My opinion of this situation is #1. If you are that afraid of dogs, you are in the wrong business. 9 out of 10 homes that I enter have dogs, big and small. I've never been threatened by one yet. The borrowers who feel their dogs are a threat usually put them up when someone comes to their home. #2. Your people skills seemed to be lacking with this particular person. You were more concerned about the dog you were afraid of instead of trying to set a pleasant atmosphere for the borrower. You asked a person in their own home to send the dog elsewhere. What?? I try at all cost to set them at ease and start with small talk saying something pleasant and nice. # 3. Can non attorney's do loan modifications in GA with it being an attorney state? Just curious on this one. #4. By your post it also sounds like you took your boyfriend Into the house with you. Maybe I am reading it wrong, but it sounds like you did because the borrower told "us" its over, get out of my house and "we" ran to the car. Did you have permission and did the company that hired you know this? This is pretty much a No No. Having him sit in the car is perfectly fine, but to bring him inside is wrong. There are privacy issues and ethical issues as well.
I would re-think this entire situation and see what you could have done differently to have a different outcome. Your safety comes first and I agree with that 100%, but something is missing here. JMO
LindaH Posted - 02/06/2009 : 08:43:43 AM
Originally posted by jbelmont

Its always good to give the borrowers a call and introduce yourself. Make sure they know what their rate is, terms, and what they are going to sign. This takes an extra few minutes, but will save you all grief in the long run. That last job in the boonies sounds like a nightmare, and sounds like something out of a Harold and Kumar movie.

Totally disagree with you here, Jeremy - a signing agent should NEVER go over terms of a loan with a voice on the telephone - you have no proof you're talking to the proper person....confirm the date and time of appointment and that's it....terms are reviewed when you're face to face with the borrower and have them identified....if they want to know terms, etc. in advance they're referred to their loan officer.

PWinFL Posted - 02/06/2009 : 07:15:15 AM
I was advised by counsel to NEVER provide any terms, conditions or other information over the phone. You don't know who is on the other end of the conversation, even if they say they are the borrowers. Just simply confirm the appointment.

Also, if you must leave a message, either with someone else or voice message, do not provide any information other that the scheduled appointment date and time. I was advised not to even say the purpose of the call other than to "confirm our appointment at (date) and (time)" and request a return phone call to confirm the address and names as they appear on the signer's driver's license(s).

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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jbelmont Posted - 02/05/2009 : 9:00:28 PM
Its always good to give the borrowers a call and introduce yourself. Make sure they know what their rate is, terms, and what they are going to sign. This takes an extra few minutes, but will save you all grief in the long run. That last job in the boonies sounds like a nightmare, and sounds like something out of a Harold and Kumar movie.

LindaH Posted - 02/05/2009 : 08:56:31 AM
As ornery as he was when you got there, didn't he give you any hints at all on the phone when you confirmed with him that he was hesitant to sign and didn't have anything ready?

I, too, usually take my husband with me on signngs if it's at night and out in the boonies - which is very common around here too...there's truth to the phrase that there's "safety in numbers" .. I had one (who was a minister no less!!) very controlling and obnoxious - wouldn't let me speak directly to his wife and threw us out of the house when I tried to get better ID from her (docs had first name Shirley, said her name was Shelley, ALL ID showed Shelley and she blamed DMV) - when we left we drove a bit down the road and pulled over - I called the SS and told them what happened - they said he'd been giving everyone a problem and had a real temper about him....(gee, thanks for the heads-up!)...I told them if they got it rectified they should send a male signing agent as he was very respectful to my husband but had no use for me at all..

Sounds like you had several personalities to deal with here and I'm glad you (a) followed your instincts by bringing someone with you and (b) got out of there safe...

I love the country living - except at night, in the dark, out in the boonies, on long winding driveways!!

n/a Posted - 02/04/2009 : 8:20:53 PM
It was a loan modification. However, my reason for entering the information into the forum was to inform other signors/notaries to be careful and aware of their surroundings when visiting homes for signatures/witnessing.
LindaH Posted - 02/04/2009 : 7:45:02 PM
Judging by what you said:

"I ... spoke with the owner and gave him the instructions stating what documents were requested." and "...neither did he have the requested documents ready and available..."

I'm assuming this was a RESPA signing (the initial loan application) or a loan modification application as opposed to the final loan package signing.


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