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 One printer or two?

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LeapFrog Posted - 12/29/2008 : 1:47:02 PM
Does anyone use two printers simultaneously? I'm thinking 2 printers, with lots of RAM, would work well for printing 2 separate sets of docs. At the same time.

It sure would've saved me some time last Wednesday!


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Lisa T. Posted - 02/07/2009 : 11:38:22 PM
I have two laser printers, a multifunction (printer, copier, fax, scanner) and monochrome that just prints. I don't use them simultaneously. Each prints two sets of 150 pgs in less than 10 minutes. I keep two machines so that I'm never down. My multifunction printer cartridges are expensive and have to be ordered online. I'm not into refilling toner cartridges or buying the compatibles...I buy them new and name brand. The monochrome printer's cartridge is not as expensive but I still get it cheaper online.
joanbergst Posted - 12/30/2008 : 10:04:59 PM
Meant to say don't use economode printing on loan documents.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
joanbergst Posted - 12/30/2008 : 10:00:41 PM
I always use the duplex feature on my printers to print out confirmation letters and mapquest directions/etc.
Remember to always use the "economode" printing feature in properties on your printer to save toner when you print these type of documents.

Also set your printer to 300 DPI to print loan documents.

Don't use it

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
n/a Posted - 12/30/2008 : 12:10:03 PM
I have two, netwroked monochrome laser printers. One is a dual-tray duplexer and the other is an all-in-one that also does duplexing. Both of them are extremely good, fast printers that I managed to pick up when they were on sale and combined with a rebate. I ended up with about $1,200 worth of printers for less than $400. I do printing for lots of clients because I'm a virtual assistant as well. I often have both computers doing different tasks and several jobs sitting in the printer queues. Thank goodness for RAM!

I've been on the hunt, now, for a color laser. I've narrowed down models I want... it's just a matter of grabbing it when it's on sale and combining it with rebates from HP. I'm patient. Sometimes a little bit of effort pays off.
vince Posted - 12/30/2008 : 07:53:49 AM
My intranet has three printers online and each can run simultaneously. However, I typically use only the Lexmark dual tray for documents as it can typically print both sets of documents in less than fifteen minutes (even two sets of a 200 page countrywide FHA loan) - many pairs take less than five to ten minutes. The other printers are more for color report work and are loaded with better paper for that purpose. For me, one good document printer with a reasonable backup does the job.
joanbergst Posted - 12/29/2008 : 8:05:09 PM
If you can afford 2 printers it makes the printing of docs much easier. I have had 2 printers for over 5 years and I am spoiled.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
PWinFL Posted - 12/29/2008 : 5:14:26 PM
I do have multiple printers, online simultaneously. Occasionally, I even print to two or three of them at the same time, never any problems.

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LeapFrog Posted - 12/29/2008 : 3:59:35 PM
It's just a thought at this point. I was wondering if anyone had any experience at this...

CopperheadVA Posted - 12/29/2008 : 2:09:31 PM
I think if your business is busy enough to warrant the expense of a second printer plus RAM, then go for it. If not, I wouldn't spend the extra bucks.


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