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 Click tracking - public or private

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 07/11/2008 : 04:58:35 AM
I would like to know what the notaries think. I am going to publish click statistics for the notary listings. I can make it private so only the notary can see their own stats. Or, I can make it public so that anyone can see anyone's stats. I could create graphs, and at some future point, even comparative bar graphs comparing two notaries' performance month by month.

How I put this together is to please the notaries. Please let me know your thoughts.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jbelmont Posted - 05/15/2009 : 11:11:14 PM
If you visit the resource page you can see a whole page about click averages. You can see your personal click average on your admin page once you login. Clicks are not everything. The bottom line is if you get jobs and how good those jobs are. Getting paid quickly is another issue too. Please use all of our resource pages as this is FREE information for your benefit.

CopperheadVA Posted - 05/14/2009 : 11:17:20 AM
If you log in to update your notary information, the click info is at the top of the update page.


thensley Posted - 05/14/2009 : 09:52:02 AM
Jeremy, was this ever put into place and if so, how can I review my clicks?

Trina Hensley
Renee Posted - 07/11/2008 : 1:28:02 PM
Good move, keeping it private. I also think the click stats are pretty meaningless - well, let me revise that, they have a meaning but nothing of any value to me or my bank account. The only way I'd find the info valuable is if they could tell the difference between a CLIENT'S click and anyone else's. That, I know, is not possible.
jbelmont Posted - 07/11/2008 : 1:02:20 PM
I really don't think the browsers care how many clicks you have. They care if you are certified and answer your phone. Notary jealousy is the big issue. If someone is getting more clicks than them, they will start emailing me and asking why. I might be getting ten emails a day on this topic which is too much.

Private is the winner here. Almost everybody wants private. I would probably put the stats in the notary's admin login area. They could login and see their stats in a snap. Convenient!!

Lets give credit to Mark in programming for coming up with the idea of asking the notaries this issue.

lildeb1951 Posted - 07/11/2008 : 11:33:25 AM
"If our prospective clients can view the number of clicks we receive and it is high, they might go on to the next notary and not even contact us thinking we are too busy."

Great point since that happened to me last month. I received a call from a notary down on the list who told me she got a call from a new title company who told the notary that they start from the bottom and work up. They figure those at the top are going to be busy and turn them down. So, there are no guarantees. But I still feel that we are paying for marketing not competition.
azdocsign Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:45:35 AM
If you are considering making this public for all to view it might present a problem. If our prospective clients can view the number of clicks we receive and it is high, they might go on to the next notary and not even contact us thinking we are too busy. Others on this forum have already stated that not all clicks reflect business so they would make an incorrect assumption.

Based on these facts, I would like to suggest private please.

tgonsor Posted - 07/11/2008 : 10:33:14 AM
I don't mind at all if mine is public. In fact I often wonder if a higher spot would do any good and if I paid the money if it would be worth it. Just my opinion, I am one of those notaries though that share most everything. Most everything is dealt with differently depending on who does it. Another wards, if it didn't work for me it might work for someone else or vice versa.

I do agree with the false readings or clicks but we can't help that, I think that will always be an issue.

It sounds like the majority is private.
CopperheadVA Posted - 07/11/2008 : 08:21:08 AM
I vote private as well!

One thing I don't like about the click counter on the "other" site is that if you link your profile to your posts on that forum, other notaries click to view your profile, thus creating MANY false clicks. What I mean by false, is that they are not clicks from companies looking to hire you.

jbelmont Posted - 07/11/2008 : 08:16:10 AM
I appreciate the quick responses. Lets see what the others think too.

lildeb1951 Posted - 07/11/2008 : 07:56:00 AM
I agree it should be private. We pay for a listing to expose our business and we should not have to compete. Notaries can share with other notaries privately if that is what they desire.
Lee-AR Posted - 07/11/2008 : 05:43:52 AM
Private. This isn't a contest. It's merely a tool to enable us to determine our own stats.

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