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 Vista National - Rick Greenblat

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
20891 Posted - 03/15/2017 : 12:03:02 PM
Service this company at your own risk!
Unfortunately, I don't have a good report for this company. I was brand new to them and agreed to perform a signing on a Saturday morning at 7:00am - pretty short notice too. He promised to pay on the following Monday via PayPal. No payment on Monday, or on the following Monday. When I called the second Monday, he complained that his back problems were causing his delay but that he would mail me a check. Then his assistant Kristen left me a voicemail that the "check was in the mail." Of course, another week later there is no check. Calling the office results in a RUDE Kristen now - how dare I ask for payment? I was encouraged to call Title - so what, they don't care. They don't care to pay their bills.
Signing Agents beware.

Kelli R - Idaho
I'm thinking of something great to say.......
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BerylG Posted - 11/28/2017 : 03:08:04 AM
I did a job for this company Rick Greenblat -May 8, 2017 and have fought the good fight to get payment for this. It was a seller side only with errors - fortunately I was not available at the time of resigning corrected docs as I would be left hanging for a second trip. I do have a problem working for companies that I have no relationship with. Moral of the story - always - always look on the forums when accepting assignments from new companies who want to hire you. This would never happen to me again!!!!

Beryl Butler
38346 Posted - 09/18/2017 : 09:37:42 AM
Me too! Rick Greenblatt is definitely a Flake. Talks a real good story, what a con!

Freda Mann Falk
psmkkk Posted - 07/28/2017 : 11:35:12 AM
It appears that I also have been played by this company with a signing I completed back in early April of this year.

I have emailed, called and even spoke to Rick G and as of this date, 7/28/2017, I have not been compensated for my services.

Their phone number 877-658-4782 is also now out of order.

What a flake...

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