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 Palm Castle Signings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
On the Go Posted - 09/29/2015 : 10:16:56 PM
No payment and they won't answer phone calls.
Another POS company!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
4359 Posted - 04/11/2018 : 3:47:39 PM
I did a signing for Mark at Palm Castle and he paid me promply.

k rew
Fuzzy1955 Posted - 06/30/2017 : 03:21:57 AM
These people do not respond to emails. My fee is 50 days past the closing date, which is more than enough time. My next step will be to contact the title/escrow company who hired them. DO NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER FROM THEM.

karmw1 Posted - 06/06/2016 : 09:50:26 AM

I have been trying to collect a fee of $150 owed me from Palm Castle
for two signings I did for the same borrower on 4/22/16. The first set of documents were incorrect and so had to be reissued for the next day.
I spent over 4 hours total on these signings so my fee is very reasonable. I have made 4 phone calls and left messages for Tara to call regarding the payment. I also sent several emails asking for a response to these. I contacted Marc Armstrong also and left a phone message for him. To date no response from either one. I would recommend not doing anything for this very unprofessional company. My next step is going to be calling the Title company that handled the documents for the borrower, calling the Attorney General for the state of Arizona and the BBB for Phoneix, AZ.

One other note: I have another signing company, ASAPPro out of South Lake,TX refusing to contact me for a signing I did in February, 2016. Both these signings were from Snapdoc's texts received on my smart phone. I spoke with a person at Snapdoc's, through email contact, and they tell me there isn't anything they can do to help notary's collect fees due. I don't know if any of you are having similar problems with collecting fees through this new service but I am becoming very skeptical about accepting assignment through this type of service company. If you don't have that personal contact through speaking with the company it seems to me it makes it too
easy for these companies to ignore the notary when it comes time to
pay for our services.

Doris_CO Posted - 01/08/2016 : 6:17:47 PM
Your next step should be a collection letter and a copy of your invoice, mailed by Certified mail to the last known address. You could send those letters by e-mail, but certified mail gives you a track record of collection efforts in case you need to go to court. Plus, if the letter is not accepted or the company is no longer at the address, your letter will be returned to you. Whereas an e-mail just goes out and you have no way of knowing if it was received or not, unless the e-mail address is no longer any good.
Lazybear Posted - 01/06/2016 : 11:34:20 AM
Same issue. Had a signing in October 2015 and still waiting for payment. Phone calls go unanswered and unreturned.

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