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 Signing Companies
 Archimerc, LLC

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ALNOTARY Posted - 06/27/2013 : 2:01:20 PM
I received an email to do a closing for this company today and I have never heard of them. I was wondering if anyone has or has done any closings for them. There info is below:

Archimerc, LLC
P.O. Box 519
Doylestown, PA 18901
Voice: 267-337-6622
Fax: 888-344-7866
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mariabakies Posted - 01/27/2022 : 11:41:50 AM
Just wanted to post that I did a closing on 1/7 and received my check 2 weeks later.
LindaH Posted - 04/15/2016 : 04:31:39 AM
If you're in collection mode, I'd send a letter to Ralph at the address listed along with a copy to the title company involved in your late-pay transaction.

Archimerc didn't take long to establish a really bad rep - sorry you got stuck.

Disclaimer: never worked for them - just keep up with the forums and the experiences of my fellow notaries.

Doris_CO Posted - 04/14/2016 : 7:03:24 PM
Found this on a search.


You can try sending a collection letter and a copy of your invoice by certified mail to the street address, not the PO Box, and see if that gets you paid.

On Notaryrotary.com all the comments from everyone not in PA, are about non-payment and ratings of 1 star. This company has had low ratings for years.
notaryinmontana Posted - 04/14/2016 : 08:09:48 AM
Does anyone know who owns Archimerc? Perhaps his first name is Ralph? Please let me know and thanks!
On the Go Posted - 09/29/2015 : 10:15:50 PM
Nope I haven't seen paid either and no responses to phone calls or emails........these guys are POS
dharl Posted - 09/23/2015 : 05:58:44 AM
I closed a loan for ARCHIMERC May 15, 2015. I have not received payment nor any answer to my phone calls or e-mails. Are they still in business? It is pretty bad that a company hires you and they does not pay nor keep in contact with you. This is the first and last time I work for ARCHIMERC.

Diane Harl
17713 Posted - 09/07/2015 : 09:55:01 AM
No Response to calls or correspondence regarding non-payment of April, 2015 signing. We will be utilizing the services of a collection agency.
madonna47 Posted - 06/06/2015 : 05:32:21 AM
I've done one closing for them. It's been 45 days and still not paid. Can't get a reply from them.

Madonna Linville
SigningAgentCoach Posted - 06/30/2013 : 2:43:33 PM
I've been given work by this company before - they use Notary Cafe as their source but it looks like you still have to register for them. xx

Kelly Robertson,
California Notary Public
(951) 317-0125
ALNOTARY Posted - 06/30/2013 : 09:40:48 AM
Great! Thank you for the feedback!
17023 Posted - 06/28/2013 : 6:57:03 PM
I have conducted several signings for them--they were great and paid within 30 days

Originally posted by ALNOTARY

Okay, when I replied to the email they sent, they have an automatic reply stating:

Thank you for responding to our inquiry regarding your availability for a closing. We are unfortunately unable to answer each and every response individually. If we are able to place this closing with you, we will contact you via email.

Otherwise, if you have supplied us with your particulars and you are not currently an active closer for us, we will add you to our system.

Thank you.

Scheduling Department
Archimerc, LLC
Voice: 267-337-6622
Fax: 888-344-7866[/i][/size=6]

cw2usarmyret Posted - 06/28/2013 : 05:07:14 AM
I got one and after I responded I was called. They meet my few without any haggling (which is a good sign)
ALNOTARY Posted - 06/28/2013 : 04:32:49 AM
Okay, when I replied to the email they sent, they have an automatic reply stating:

Thank you for responding to our inquiry regarding your availability for a closing. We are unfortunately unable to answer each and every response individually. If we are able to place this closing with you, we will contact you via email.

Otherwise, if you have supplied us with your particulars and you are not currently an active closer for us, we will add you to our system.

Thank you.

Scheduling Department
Archimerc, LLC
Voice: 267-337-6622
Fax: 888-344-7866[/i][/size=6]

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