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 National Preferred Notary?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jgdean Posted - 04/30/2013 : 06:52:11 AM
So I get an email from a "Mike DeValk, former VP of Notary Direct Nationwide, and now President/CEO of National Preferred Notary Inc."

He wants me to sign up, so I say, what the heck, and start the enrollment process.

BUT... as I navigate, the next page I come to asks for my credit card info! Says they'll charge an $11 a month fee.

I clicked away.

Q: Has anyone here done business with this company and also, is there anywhere you PAY to be on the list?

Prompt, secure professional signings.

The first to call in North Central North Carolina!

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Montafonsteve Posted - 04/02/2018 : 09:39:17 AM
i have had the same results from NPN. In the past they were a good firm with on-time payments. Therefore, I did not check the forum when I took two signing assignments in December of 2017. i have contacted the lenders to inform them, but if NPN is out of business, then I can write that off. Lesson learned and a warning to anyone else!

James Steven Ramey
chitownotary Posted - 03/30/2018 : 04:03:27 AM
I believe they are out of business now.

Not sure what's going on with the company, but on other sites, this is the rumour.

Carrie Rivera
Chicago Paralegal Notary Services

...serving the Chicagoland area since 1991.
bsnoopster Posted - 03/21/2018 : 12:01:52 PM
I now periodically get return emails from Brenda Burns at National (NOT) Preferred Notary and that she is checking on my payment (from October 2107!). It is a never ending loop of excuses. This is a DEADBEAT company. I took this closing from SnapDocs but they have informed me that there is nothing they can do about it as they don't check the validity of a company. So beware that if you take a job from SnapDocs always check the forums first. Such a shame that there would be scammers in the Notary business.
bsnoopster Posted - 12/26/2017 : 12:49:38 PM
Plain and simple, they don't pay the Notary. They aren't returning calls and emails are bouncing back as undeliverable. Title company said that NPN was paid and their check was cashed. That's where the payment trail ends. They are now MIA. Lesson learned...ALWAYS check.
20937 Posted - 12/06/2017 : 9:23:06 PM
I have always been paid on time from NPN. During their system change awhile back they acted fast. I was very impressed. I will take a signing from them anytime. Good business..

Andrea Jo Sutherland
edelske Posted - 11/23/2017 : 2:03:30 PM
So many bankers, so few notaries.
Would someone tell me who else lays out expense money, time, and travel prior to payment? I can't order a T-shirt without giving my credit card information.
I USED to have a reserved "Dun The Turds" day. It was the last Monday of the month, that's history.
Tell me: To those who DO first, then PRAY for pay later; consider the financial arrangement you offer. Now tell me who offers you the same financial arrangement.
Can you recall when something arrived with an invoice for you to pay? I doubt it.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
chitownotary Posted - 11/09/2017 : 06:10:40 AM
Appears that NOTHING has changed in 2017. They apparently do not pay their NSAs!

Originally posted by npn_inc

On behalf of NPN,

We would like to inform everyone that about 2/3 months ago, we had a system failure withing our accounting department where several checks did not print. Unfortunately, the only way to find out which checks were missed was by notaries that called in. As you can imagine, this affected payment for notaries and was an issue for a few months.

However, we are glad to say that this issue has slowly been resolved. As for the gentleman who posted here, his issue has been addressed.

Unfortunately he failed to mention that due to a NOTARY ERROR, the file did not close as scheduled and thus payment was delayed. His payment is on route. All he had to do was come in contact with us. I am not sure who he was contacting but if there are every any issues, we can be reached at 855.731.5139 or by emailing order@npnservices.com.

there is no reason why notaries should not be paid for their services so we ensure to keep our notaries update.

Thank you,


Originally posted by PSNotary

I did a signing for National Preferred Notary on September 12th for $95 fee. The most they said they could pay. Read their emails about how fast they would pay via automatic deposit but have not been paid yet. Have left several messages for a call back from three of their extensions but have yet to hear back from anyone. If you choose to do work for them, good luck on getting paid.

Paul Scribner

...serving the Chicagoland area since 1991.
ohionotarial Posted - 10/31/2017 : 04:42:36 AM
Almost 90 days and no pay. It was a small amount and I didn't gamble much. I will collect, however. When I do, I'll update this post.

12/5 They still have not responded. I still have not given in.

Jay Schankman
740 804 1643
Retiredkop Posted - 04/11/2017 : 08:17:50 AM
Has anyone successfully collected from NPN? If so what did it take to collect the amount owed?
LJCPA Posted - 11/15/2016 : 4:58:36 PM
Did a signing for them back in July before I saw the posts. No payment to-date after numerous follow-up emails. They even mentioned that they would have their accountant contact me. Well, nothing so far. Finally, had to send them over to a collections service.
Jeff701 Posted - 08/16/2016 : 1:23:00 PM
I am awaiting a payment that for a job I did on 6/24/16. They promised to pay on 8/6/16 and have not come thru. I will call the Title company to blackball them and hopefully recover my fee.

gcqcfp Posted - 07/08/2016 : 06:27:15 AM
NPN is bad news. I too did work for them in SC. Always a problem getting paid. Theresa Lewis will lie to you, if she calls you back. The last invoice I had, after 2 months, I went directly to Vanderbilt Homes and asked them to put pressure on NPN so I could get paid. It worked! They have not called me since.
(thank God) More notaries should do this. They deserve to go out of business.

George C. Quinn
wellzie Posted - 04/14/2016 : 4:25:37 PM
I did a closing (loan Mod) in 1/2016 and still have not been paid. I have emailed and telephoned the company but unable to get a return call or email concerning status of payment.
sspeckin Posted - 03/24/2016 : 08:19:43 AM
If I am awaiting payment and I do not receive a response from the signing company, I leave a message on there machine that I am contacting the escrow company. I have ALWAYS had success with this measure and if I have to go to this extreme for ANY signing company, they are IMMEDIATELY put on my NO NO NO list!

38892 Posted - 03/24/2016 : 04:59:59 AM
I am a certified closing agent in Wisconsin. I performed notary signing services February 2016 requested by Teresa Lewis, Sales Manager without error or issue as contracted. The request included same day fax backs and then several follow up calls for return document instructions. I have contacted the company by email and phone several times regarding the outstanding payment for services provided with no response. If you work for this company you should require payment upfront.

lcox60 Posted - 03/14/2016 : 10:21:28 AM
Well it is 2016 now and not much has changed. I did a closing for you on December 30,2015 and today is March 14, 2016 and I have still not received payment. I sent an email to Harley Owens, the scheduler on February 22nd, she replied that she was forwarding to accounting, I called accounting on March 4th and left a voicemail, still no reply, I called today and spoke to scheduling department and the woman I spoke with, (I did not get a name) said my name was on the list to be paid and they were waiting no accounting or owner to come in to find out when this could be resolved. Very unprofessional, I will not be accepting any other jobs from you and I live in an area where I network with the other signing agents in the area, I have already sent an email to them warning them. I happen to know you recently got a new account for Vanderbilt Closings, I used to get their jobs from DocPros, I was in the local Clayton office today to do a cash closing for them and informed the manager that I have not been able to get paid from you for a December closing, she was going to notify corporate. This is not the way to do business. My next action will be to contact my attorney.

Originally posted by npn_inc

On behalf of NPN,

We would like to inform everyone that about 2/3 months ago, we had a system failure withing our accounting department where several checks did not print. Unfortunately, the only way to find out which checks were missed was by notaries that called in. As you can imagine, this affected payment for notaries and was an issue for a few months.

However, we are glad to say that this issue has slowly been resolved. As for the gentleman who posted here, his issue has been addressed.

Unfortunately he failed to mention that due to a NOTARY ERROR, the file did not close as scheduled and thus payment was delayed. His payment is on route. All he had to do was come in contact with us. I am not sure who he was contacting but if there are every any issues, we can be reached at 855.731.5139 or by emailing order@npnservices.com.

there is no reason why notaries should not be paid for their services so we ensure to keep our notaries update.

Thank you,


Originally posted by PSNotary

I did a signing for National Preferred Notary on September 12th for $95 fee. The most they said they could pay. Read their emails about how fast they would pay via automatic deposit but have not been paid yet. Have left several messages for a call back from three of their extensions but have yet to hear back from anyone. If you choose to do work for them, good luck on getting paid.

Paul Scribner

esnotary Posted - 12/14/2015 : 5:27:22 PM
Finally received my check on December 14. Check was dated 12/10/15. So much for their payment policy!

esnotary Posted - 12/10/2015 : 3:09:39 PM
Update: I ended up sending them an email letting them know that I would contact Escrow regarding payment if I didn't hear back from them. Well, I contacted Escrow and they sent and email asking whether or not I had been paid (Escrow showed they deposited the check October 31). They replied that payment had been sent. Escrow asked when and where the payment had been sent and they never responded to her! NEVER AGAIN!

esnotary Posted - 12/05/2015 : 07:07:49 AM
I did a closing for them on 10/15/15. I asked about their payment policy. Their policy states that closings performed between the 1-15th of the month are paid on the 30th. Signings between the 16-30th are paid on the 15th of the subsequent month. Well, it's now December 5th and still no check. I have sent emails with no response. I finally called and Harley said that a whole bunch of checks went out in the past week but she would have to research to see if mine was in there. Then they call me to do another loan this weekend! Sunday Morning! I said that I haven't even been paid for my October closing. As I am friends with the borrowers I actually took this closing, but oh boy I hope I'm not playing the fool!

28205bj Posted - 11/13/2014 : 09:35:21 AM
[I finally received a check on 11/13/14. This is not the way I run my business. When I do a closing I expect to be paid in a timely manner.
28205bj Posted - 11/13/2014 : 09:33:36 AM
Originally posted by 28205bj

[I did a closing with NPN on 9/19/14 and still have not been paid. It is 11/6/14 and still no response. I called constantly left voice mail messages and never received a return phone call. I also sent e-mails to no response. This is so unfair, because I travel to the borrower, use my paper, ink and wear and tear on my vehicle to be ignored when it is time to be paid. If anyone has a person or contact number that will return your phone call, can you please post on this blog? Thank you.

coordinator Posted - 11/12/2014 : 6:04:55 PM
I just received payment today and it was the full amount due. I told them thank you and that many companies were defaulting on payments and if they could have answered one of my calls or emails this could have been avoided. Hope some other companies realize that we're not to be used and we do have course of action.

Sera A James
coordinator Posted - 11/09/2014 : 7:05:23 PM
I too did a signing for them on 09/18/2014 and numerous calls and emails - read your posts - so I wrote them an email ----


I have contacted you via email and phone numerous times regarding my payment of the above signing. It's been over 45 days closing on 60 and that is unacceptable.

If someone would have contacted me this would have been much easier to handle but after seeing your "reputation" on 123 Notary I find I have no further reason to continue to wait.

I am expecting a call tomorrow at my number 209-256-2576 to explain that the check for the above signing will be placed in the mail later that day and I expect to receive it by Friday, November 14, 2014.

If I do not receive it by then I will be contacting other forums for notaries to be aware of accepting your signing appointments, I already have the BBB on favorites for your part of the state of California, and I have your Certified Notary Signing company name pulled up from the SOS to lodge additional complaints.

I have also pulled the information for Primary Title Services LLC Attn Vicky J Santamaria off the Skokie IL office to make them aware that that they are dealing with an exceptionally unprofessional company - to say the least. And recommend using a different signing service as to make sure their name, once they are made fully aware of the ongoings - does not become an accessory.

Upon Monday, November 17,2014, if I didn't receive the check (or it's short) I will also be contacting my attorney with added penalties and interest added to the amount due - gotta love Legal Shield!

Sincerely yours,
Sera James
Commissioned Notary Public
Secretary of State of California 

I've done this before and it works every time.

Sera A James
Susan Cook Posted - 11/06/2014 : 5:02:47 PM
I did a signing for them on 9/10/14 for which I am still awaiting payment. I sent an email to them at the address listed on their post which is BOGUS! Anyone else with better contact info?
28205bj Posted - 11/06/2014 : 07:53:50 AM
Originally posted by BrittNic90

I did a notary for them on September 19th, 2014. They told me that the pay period had ended so I'd have to wait until October 15th. Here we are, October 23rd, and I can't get in touch with anyone AT ANY EXTENSION regarding my payment. This company does not respond to voicemails or emails, as I've been doing both since October 15th.

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