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 Widmer Closing Services Inquiry?

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CWChristianson Posted - 12/26/2012 : 10:20:50 AM
Has anyone worked with Widmer Closing Services in Oregon, Ohio?


Craig W Christianson
Florida Mobile Notaries LLC
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penny Posted - 11/12/2018 : 05:12:13 AM
I did a Seller doc signing for Gary on June 2, 2017, and received a check from Widmer Closing Services on June 8,2017. Very quick turn around. My fee was met in full.

/Penny Henritze
zinnburban Posted - 09/26/2018 : 11:57:59 AM
Gary Widmer Mortgage Closing Services
Go Back to April, 2008 Index from Notary Rotary.

Posted by Notary_OH on 4/9/08 8:19am
Msg #242775

Gary Widmer Mortgage Closing Services

If anybody has done any closings for Gary Widmer recently, please send me a PM via this website.

Thank you.

Reply by claudine osborne on 4/9/08 10:50am
Msg #242793

I had some difficulties getting paid from this man. I would not work for him after that. This was last fall, so it is not recent. He was nice and respectful etc.

Reply by AllenOh on 4/10/08 7:41pm
Msg #243123

Stay away from this guy. He owes several closers including me a lot of money.

Reply by Kelly Pepper on 1/22/09 5:00pm
Msg #275342

I have many unpaid invoices...Gary owes me a lot of money! Nice guy...but that's before you do the signing. He's gone after! Hang up on him...he's no good and all talk!!!
ohionotarial Posted - 07/30/2016 : 05:31:44 AM
I have nothing but good things to say. I completed several signings for Gary Widmer. I found him to always be helpful, respectful and thorough. Pays 30-45, no problems.

Jay Schankman
740 804 1643
19447 Posted - 09/10/2014 : 06:49:12 AM
I did a closing for this company , he contracted me with a Purchase for $125.00 for Pulte Construction which of course they are never at the closing. They sign off on their documents earlier. I had a wrong address for a closing location and when speaking to the buyers they said they were meeting at another location which was twice the distance. Of course being a good closer, I went out of my way to still close this loan. Only received $90.00 check, his excuse was the buyers were not there. I said I had to change locations as well. He refused to pay any extra. DO NOT DO PURCHASES for $90.00. You are getting ripped off. Make sure you are completely clear on the pay and expectations.
ALNOTARY Posted - 06/27/2013 : 2:22:30 PM
I did one for them in May of this year, they met my fee and was paid in less than 45 days. The info I have on them is below.

P.O. Box 167862
Oregon, Ohio 43616
Office:* 419.693.9198 ** Mobile:* 419.371.9406 ** efax:* 888.766.5719
email:* gary@widmerclosingservices.com
Visit us at:* www.widmerclosingservices.com
21249 Posted - 06/26/2013 : 3:34:54 PM
Thank-You for posting this. I received a call for a signing for Friday, He calls his company WIDMER CLOSING SERVICES. There need to be some sort of regulation for these signing services. I did not take the signing.

Originally posted by edelske

I think this firm is in Oregon Ohio. Only phone numbers on his site.

I have not worked for him, as he offered $90 for an edoc refi today; in the Wall Street area of lower Manhattan (fierce traffic) at 6PM.

I did find some old comments:


Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

edelske Posted - 06/26/2013 : 09:49:59 AM
I think this firm is in Oregon Ohio. Only phone numbers on his site.

I have not worked for him, as he offered $90 for an edoc refi today; in the Wall Street area of lower Manhattan (fierce traffic) at 6PM.

I did find some old comments:


Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

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