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 Signing Trac

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 12/01/2012 : 11:59:57 PM
Has anyone worked for this company before?

Signing Trac

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chitownotary Posted - 03/30/2018 : 04:07:20 AM
Corelogic is a separate company from Signing Trac.

Corelogic contracts with hundreds of lenders as a third party vendor hired to pay their clients residential taxes.

Can't tell you how disturbing it is reading that Corelogic isn't paying notaries; and I'm surprised they are hiring direct.

...serving the Chicagoland area since 1991.
mariabakies Posted - 03/20/2018 : 03:49:02 AM
Ironically, after inquiring about contacting Corelogic, my check miraculously arrived in my email. Two months later. DON'T WORK FOR THIS COMPANY!!

pdandachi Posted - 03/19/2018 : 2:07:08 PM
Corelogic is the company who hired Signing Trac if you preformed a loan modification. You should be able to find their information on the website that Signing Trac post docs to. You will have to prove what signings they owe you for. I provided a screen shot of that website and the signings that I had done.

Originally posted by mariabakies

What's corelogic and how do I contact them?

Dandachi Notary Services, LLC
Each day is a new adventure it is your choice to accept it or not.
mariabakies Posted - 03/19/2018 : 10:00:17 AM
What's corelogic and how do I contact them?

pdandachi Posted - 03/16/2018 : 05:48:03 AM
Originally posted by mariabakies

Waiting on payment from January 24th. Ill never work for them again. No responses to emails and phone calls.

I had the same issues and contacted Corelogic, I had a check within 48 hours

Dandachi Notary Services, LLC
Each day is a new adventure it is your choice to accept it or not.
wdgwings Posted - 03/15/2018 : 06:28:55 AM
I did 5 signings for them this past year and received payment in a timely manner. Last one was in Aug 17'

William D Groves


mariabakies Posted - 03/12/2018 : 03:31:25 AM
Waiting on payment from January 24th. Ill never work for them again. No responses to emails and phone calls.

17408 Posted - 01/17/2018 : 07:21:52 AM
I am waiting on payment for a signing on Nov. 3, 2017. Finally received reply email with all sorts of excuses. I think I will not work for them again. We all need to stick together to outcast these signing agencies.

This was there email reply on Jan. 17, 2018:

I have forwarded your email to Billing and they have received other requests, if any, as well. Note, we had some delays in payments and have had to temporality change our billing cycle. Billing is working through all the backlog of emails and invoices and will be caught up soon.

Calling in is not necessary and will not speed up payment and only slow down the process. Do not contact title, the lender or the borrower as they are not responsible for your payment. We will get you your payment and be back on our regular payment cycle once we are through the current backlog.

Thank you for your patience!
20681 Posted - 07/26/2017 : 04:56:10 AM
Originally posted by 20681

Was doing Ok with them for a while , but recently, from April , all went silent, no payment, no replies to inquiries about payment, no breathing , live person answers any calls. Very disappointing. I'm not accepting any signings from them until the bills are paid.

A. Chris Hohenfels

7/7/17 Finally got paid, except for a small portion for a cancelled signing. At least not a total loss.

A. Chris Hohenfels
Stephhur Posted - 07/03/2017 : 07:20:44 AM
I have two signings I have not been paid for. One in January, one in February. I have made repeated phone calls, never getting to speak to anyone. Also emails, but I get no response. Based on the other comments, looks like I may as well give up on this one.
20681 Posted - 06/24/2017 : 9:51:51 PM
Was doing Ok with them for a while , but recently, from April , all went silent, no payment, no replies to inquiries about payment, no breathing , live person answers any calls. Very disappointing. I'm not accepting any signings from them until the bills are paid.

A. Chris Hohenfels
lawarren55 Posted - 06/06/2017 : 10:10:04 AM
I did a signing for them in April 2017, I reported the signing, as per orders, the following month, they changed their distribution of checks to the 15th of the month. Contacted John when check wasn't received, no replies from then on. I have emailed, called, faxed and did so to the mother company in California. No replies at all, I think we are screwed by them, another company doing this to their notaries.
11268 Posted - 02/07/2017 : 07:41:18 AM
I received a notice from my bank dated 2/03/17 That SigningTracs payment had been returned for closed/frozen account. Left a message with billing today. If i do not hear back will be calling the lenders.

Wendy Mills

John, the payroll guy responded to an email. Their account was compromised and i received an e check in 1 day.
ollie Posted - 02/01/2017 : 11:08:27 AM
We accepted an assignment with Signingtrac for an agreed fee of $150.00
because the signing address was a 90 mile drive.
Today we receive a/an e-check for $80.00.
We have left messages with 'billing', and will keep you updated as to how this plays out.

I am curious--why has it been so long since any one has had any
input about this company? Or, maybe we are not looking in the right
Fuzzy1955 Posted - 06/25/2016 : 04:27:45 AM
Have not been paid by this company in nearly three months.

Dannotary Posted - 06/13/2016 : 07:59:04 AM
You are in business for yourself, YOU SET YOUR OWN FEES. Learn to say NO. If not, you may as well go work for some company somewhere where they pay you a hourly wage or salary.
Torudi59 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 11:45:01 PM
No issues with Signingtrac. One invoice per month and payment via Echeck is almost instant!

Rhonda Hall, CNSA
catmama47 Posted - 04/07/2016 : 06:07:04 AM
I keep getting e mail from this company. Their fees are way too LOW! They only pay $40 for loan mods. That includes your valuable time, printing and faxing back the docs. I don't know why ANY notary would accept their jobs! I finally asked them to remove me from their e mail list.

36768 Posted - 03/07/2016 : 3:23:14 PM
I just did a simple loan mod agreement for them at the end of Feb. 15 min appointment tops and I submitted my request for payment on 3/1/2016 and they paid me just now via Duluxe Online checks. 3/7/2016 so they paid within 1 week of billing. They only allow you to submit your invoices at the beginning of the following month. Example. All jobs done in Feb can be submitted on Mar 1st and so on.

No troubles here so far.
mgb1966 Posted - 02/08/2016 : 05:35:36 AM
Originally posted by dawnrin

I've been doing little signings for them lately. They've all been HELOC appts. The docs are at the borrower's house and I'm in and out in about 20 minutes. They pay $50 for the signing as no printing nor faxbacks are necessary. Plus, they don't send you further than about 10 miles for this fee. You bill them monthly now. I emailed them my Nov. invoice on Dec. 1st and was sent a Deluxe e-check the very next day! I don't know what changed, but it seems to be working for now.

I am going to reevaluate them. I have been avoiding the emails because of their low rating on NRot.
dawnrin Posted - 12/08/2015 : 1:08:36 PM
I've been doing little signings for them lately. They've all been HELOC appts. The docs are at the borrower's house and I'm in and out in about 20 minutes. They pay $50 for the signing as no printing nor faxbacks are necessary. Plus, they don't send you further than about 10 miles for this fee. You bill them monthly now. I emailed them my Nov. invoice on Dec. 1st and was sent a Deluxe e-check the very next day! I don't know what changed, but it seems to be working for now.
peanut20 Posted - 11/04/2015 : 05:21:31 AM
I just did a signing for them and I was paid within 1 week, they are now paying through the delux check payment system, I was actually a bit amazed how quick they were.

dhelmic2 Posted - 05/05/2015 : 1:40:53 PM
I have done several signing for them and can't remember why I keep taking them. I get paid, but have to wait way too long for payment.
OregonMobileNotary Posted - 02/04/2015 : 1:52:38 PM
I just recieved my first email from this firm today. They offered me $60 for a local refinance. I replied I do not consider any jobs for $60. They wrote back asking what my fee is. I had checked this site between emails so I just wrote back that I am not interested in working with their firm at all based on the posts here.

Their web site lists contact information as: Contact Address:
8050 N. Palm Ave. Suite 300, Fresno, CA 93711
Phone: 559.408.5456 Email: trac@signingtrac.com

The person writing me is:
Katelyn Stine
Signing Coordinator - Processing | SIGNINGTRAC
Phone: 559.408.5456 | Fax: 559.472.7145 | signingtrac.com

There was no address listed within the email(s) which makes me suspicious from the start.
Florida Girl Posted - 07/02/2014 : 10:04:11 AM
Signing Trac, 9483 N. Ft. Washington # 103, Fresno, CA 93730

I have completed two signings for them recently.

1st was on Friday 4/18/14 and I have not been paid for it yet.
2nd and I am not sure why I accepted that without being paid for the first was on 6/21/14

They are either a very slow pay or a no pay - not sure.

I am following up with emails, phone calls and mailing them a statement today. I will let you all know how that turns out.

Linda Ann Frezza

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