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 The Best Notary.net

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16986 Posted - 08/03/2012 : 04:43:05 AM
When looking at my listing I noticed a new signing agent just a few lines below me. TheBestNotary.net turns out to be a signing company not a signing agent. So I looked in a couple other metropolitan areas and found it in 1 more so I stopped looking. Do you think a signing agency belongs here
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LindaH Posted - 06/29/2018 : 04:14:37 AM
Originally posted by gdavis0804
[brEli excuse is that he is waiting on funding to go through. I'm not holding my breath.

Where is the property located? If in Florida, do a search of the county records for the recorded mortgage - Florida is a table-funding state and loans are funded immediately on purchases, and for refinances, at the expiration of the 3-day rescission period. If the mortgage YOU notarized is recorded, then that loan has funded.

I'd also be in touch with title about it. They may be cooperative enough to send you the copy of the canceled check where they paid the service.

Good luck

gdavis0804 Posted - 06/28/2018 : 4:21:55 PM
Eli is the owner and I have an email chain dating back 9 months saying I will be paid. I spoke to the owner in detail one day and he stated that he was friends with Jeremy at 123Notary and he positioned his business to be exactly like 123Notary. The only thing his business has in common with Jeremy's is that they are both dying brands! Eli excuse is that he is waiting on funding to go through. I'm not holding my breath.
10108 Posted - 10/05/2017 : 2:03:53 PM
I did a signing for this company on 6/22/2017. It's now October and no payment. I have emailed twice and called 3 times. After a long hold the call goes to an answering service. I doubt I will ever get paid on this.

Will never work with them again.
Rebecca Ruben

Rebecca Ruben
Orange County CA
(714) 803-3200
rtbleess Posted - 09/30/2016 : 09:37:01 AM
I did a signing for this company on July 17, 2016. Just received an e-mail from Bill.com saying that my fee will be in my account on Oct 3, 2016. took 5-6 phone calls and e-mails to get paid. The statement of being paid in 30-45 days is B.S. My first and last signing with these clowns. MN.

Richard T. Bleess
LindaH Posted - 05/06/2016 : 08:20:42 AM
This outfit is clueless and I will not work with them.

I received a blast text yesterday for a signing - in Valdosta, GA.

#1 - I'm in Florida
#2 - GA is an attorney-only state.

Not surprising they can't pay if they can't get their job right to begin with.

Note: This is about TheBestNotary.net - not dot com....maybe 2 different companies?

jbelmont Posted - 05/05/2016 : 2:30:07 PM
I heard that if you bug them a little bit, you'll get paid a lot faster!

20681 Posted - 04/24/2016 : 02:50:15 AM
Did one event early Feb 2016, still not paid after numerous requests.
Putting them on my 'no go' list.

A. Chris Hohenfels
LindaH Posted - 01/07/2016 : 04:05:32 AM
Originally posted by jbelmont

I'm not commissioned and not doing loan signings, but as I indicated below, I do business with The Best Notary.com and they are reliable towards me. So there!

Ah..okay..thanks for the clarification Jeremy

jbelmont Posted - 01/06/2016 : 9:40:00 PM
I'm not commissioned and not doing loan signings, but as I indicated below, I do business with The Best Notary.com and they are reliable towards me. So there!

LindaH Posted - 01/06/2016 : 02:25:40 AM
Originally posted by jbelmont

They are in San Mateo, CA and have been very reliable with me for the last several years. I hope you have good luck with them too.

Interesting Jeremy - I never realized you were still commissioned and doing loan signings.

jbelmont Posted - 01/06/2016 : 12:23:58 AM
They are in San Mateo, CA and have been very reliable with me for the last several years. I hope you have good luck with them too.

10530 Posted - 01/05/2016 : 07:56:43 AM
Does anyone know if this company is still in business? No replies to emails. Phones go to voicemail. Invoices are unpaid.

L Czer
gjk-fl Posted - 08/04/2014 : 2:34:21 PM
I don't care how they contact me, as long as they contact me. I just got a text from them and replied with my fee and they called me to do the job. What is the big deal about them texting? I guess I'm just more laid back and flexible.

On the Go Posted - 04/05/2014 : 08:39:17 AM
Does anyone have an address for them?
jacmat15 Posted - 12/06/2013 : 07:32:36 AM
I was contacted by Elijah two days ago by phone for a signing in my area. He met my fee and was very professional. I completed the signing. Elijah and his team were very professional.

notaryslife Posted - 10/17/2012 : 6:29:18 PM
This signing agent who owns The Best Notary just texted me over a job they didn't quote any fee on. They haven't ever called me to establish any repore likely because I'd tell them not to call if they can't meet my $100 fee. I texted them back fuk off for wasting my AT&T allowance on their cheap offers. The nerve of some people who see the Smart Phone as a quick means to solicit my services.

Sincerely yours,

Notary's Life
notaryslife Posted - 08/21/2012 : 6:40:49 PM
They just texted me for a cheap $80 signing, I'm not impressed. No agency just cold turkey starts texting me like this. I've never heard of them before and won't work for them based on this initial sleazy low ball fee offer by text message.

Sincerely yours,

Notary's Life

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