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 Signing Companies
 Paramount Signature Services, Inc.

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jbelmont Posted - 06/14/2012 : 01:43:16 AM
Long time ago there was a company called Paramount Signing Service, but this appears to be a different company. One notary on NR signed for these guys, and invoiced them multiple times, but got a big fat zero in return!

Paramount Signature Services, Inc.
Wesley Chapel, FL

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chitownotary Posted - 03/12/2018 : 06:18:28 AM
Do you have their contact information?

I noticed today that their website is down.



...serving the Chicagoland area since 1991.
jwbham Posted - 11/27/2017 : 04:25:53 AM
Paramount Signature Services owes me money and will not return my calls. I also get a not available message to all attempts to email them. I called the title company and they said Paramount is not returning their call either. Looks like they are out of business.
notaryup Posted - 06/27/2017 : 11:04:27 AM
Despite 2 demands, Paramount Signature Services has failed to pay for a February 2017 signing.
FLnotary1 Posted - 05/27/2017 : 02:31:27 AM
I worked with this company for several years with no problems. I wish I could continue the good comments, however they have not paid me for two signings that are almost 3 months old.
I get the delay messages when I e-mail them, "we have your invoices, they are in accounting for e-check payment, etc.
They are a Florida based company. Small claims court action my be necessary.
gjk-fl Posted - 05/22/2017 : 09:14:08 AM
I'm going to have to recant my good comments on this company. I'm now fighting for my money. It is really sad. They WERE a good company to work for, not so much now. I keep getting told they're sending my request to accounting and accounting will contact me. I don't need to be contacted, I need to be paid! I'm semi retired, so small claims is next, I have all the time in the world. Don't mess with my money!

CMatisse Posted - 08/11/2016 : 07:34:25 AM
I have done one job for this co. and was paid within 30 days by eCheck.
gjk-fl Posted - 08/09/2016 : 09:44:19 AM
I've worked for this company for many years now and they are a delight to work with. They are very professional and pay quickly. Their fees are also good.

gbaugh Posted - 01/23/2015 : 10:46:00 AM
This company paid promptly for the first three signings I completed for them. Now I have not been paid for the last six signings I completed. I was told the check was in the mail January 9, 2015. As of January 23, I have not received same.
I have left a message for a call to discuss this matter but as of now, it has not been returned.
jeninohio Posted - 04/28/2014 : 07:19:52 AM
I did my first closing for them last week. Agreed fee was in my Paypal account before I did the closing and I received the closing packet in a timely manner! This company also replied to my emails in a timely manner. I will definitely be working with them again if possible.

Jennifer Cotsmire
Notary Signing Agent
On the Go Posted - 04/05/2014 : 08:42:35 AM
I've been waiting over 2 months to get paid by this company.
The checks in the mail they say.........yeah right
psmkkk Posted - 04/01/2014 : 6:52:30 PM
I did a signing in Alaska for this company back in December (2013) last year. I have yet to be paid for this signing.

I have called and spoke to Lynn early last month and to this day, still have not been paid or have received a reply or return phone call from anyone.

When I spoke with Lynn, she did mention to me that they usually pay through Paypal/Direct deposit but gave me a choice of those option(s) or check. I asked for a check and have not received ANYTHING. I really am upset to be put on the runaround.
lcox60 Posted - 03/26/2014 : 3:27:05 PM
I just did a closing for this company today, the money is already in my account which I must say is impressive, but on the phone when they hired me, they said the entire package had to be faxed back, we had already agreed to a fee of $100 before they told me about the faxbacks, I asked the whole pkg? and they said well they would check, it might just be funding documents, I told them if it was whole package, I would have an extra $25 fee, she said no problem. She sends over confirmation and in the instructions again, whole package to be faxed or scanned and overnight label would be sent after approval. I called and left messsage, I sent email, no response, I went ahead and did closing, and after trying to get ahold of someone again, started scanning package, I get a phone call at 5:10 wanting to know if I was scanning, and I told her of my issue with the pay, but yes I was working on scanning, she said no problem to the $25, but I never got anything in writing. Deposit in my account was for $100, I spent over 2 hours scanning and emailing, because I had to send in separate emails because attachments to large, I know I need a better scanner/faxer, but I can scan or fax up to 30 pages no issues, actually just got a new machine, but 160 pages, is ridiculous.
kurtray Posted - 05/27/2013 : 8:21:55 PM
I accepted a signing and was paid immediately, upfront, via Chase QuickPay. Good communication and everything was as promised.

Kurt R Gross
Knoxville, TN 37923
Mobile: 865-382-3010
Fax/Voice: 866-678-3754

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