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 Signing Companies
 WFG National Title Insurance Company - Simi Valley

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
notaryslife Posted - 03/02/2012 : 12:36:31 PM
Has anyone heard of these folks? I'm having trouble getting paid from 1/13/12 and they're ignoring my requests for payment, not responding to emails, putting me on hold and dropping my call. Really unusual kind of activity.

**update** I just reached someone and they claim the agent I was contacting left their company, yet emails went through and there's nothing on VM indicating she's left. The person I spoke with on the phone sounded very strange.

Sincerely yours,

Notary's Life
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Big John K Posted - 12/11/2019 : 4:07:21 PM
This company wants me to sign with them, but I'm leery of any company that has extremely high insurance requirements and wants excessive amounts of personal information. Especially when there is no guarantee of work. I'm passing on this company.
overquailified1 Posted - 06/06/2017 : 05:52:55 AM
Stopped working with them as I have not been paid for the last two closings and have not gotten any response to requests for payment. It seems impossible to talk to anyone there about payment. Used to do a lot of work with them but I guess things changed in how they conduct business.
Notary_Narayan Posted - 05/10/2017 : 4:54:48 PM
I have never had trouble getting paid. Usually , I submit the order back to them ,that serves as invoice. If there is some delay, I CC every one I can find on the invoice and also in the vendor portal , etc to get some traction.Usually this resolves with payment promptly being processed.

WFG is also one of the major operators & title insurance underwriter. So I doubt that there is intent in not getting paid. Its mostly that your order fell thru the cracks. Please email again and again, NOT just to one person, But to as many as possible.
Depending on whether it was bank of america, lakeview etc, they have different divisions.

So addressing the appropriate division and also a CC to closings@wfgls.com will get your payment expedited.
Penny Posted - 01/17/2017 : 1:21:31 PM
I have not received payment since my assignment and invoice to WFG on November 28. Despite numerous emails saying it's in the mail, or will be in the mail, zero.
Penny 1-17-17

/Penny Henritze
Joan Posted - 11/29/2016 : 08:52:01 AM
WFG in Westlake Village, CA is giving me the run around with my fee being received. Completed signing on 9-30-16, it is now 11-29-16. Unacceptable.
They claim they are going through a transitional period since Michael Crowder is no longer with them. What has that got to do with A/P getting my money to me?

Dannotary Posted - 07/06/2015 : 3:51:02 PM
May not be dealing with them again. Huge packages, lots of work, difficult to get through to anyone and get a response. They pay $125 but if I do anything again its going to be $150.
Lee-AR Posted - 05/21/2015 : 04:58:39 AM
The instructions say you have to include a copy of the Order as first page in the return package (it's their 'invoice'). Then payment is usually within 30 days, max.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
29993 Posted - 05/20/2015 : 10:28:22 AM
I have noticed that the loan packages are getting very large...so I have begun to notify, particularly WFG whose files average 170 copies...that my minimum fee is increased by another $20.00..As I mentioned before I have had no problems getting paid and have asked each time if the file is larger than 120 pages to add in another $20...but I've had to followup to make sure that it was.....so this week I am sending out notifications to most of the companies I work for to increase my minimum fee to include the $20. Whenever I accept a signing...they will need to include it in the order or I will return the assignment right there and then.........We all have to begin to hold the line on our fees or if you accept less then you only have yourself to blame....Good Luck!
garyw148 Posted - 11/21/2014 : 6:14:50 PM
I agreed to perform a signing for WFG for 10:30am the next day. At 8am I had yet to receive any documents. WFG did not answer any of the 4 phone numbers I called. Nor did they respond to the emails I sent to 3 different people. My last email was that I was going to call the borrower and let them know the signing was cancelled. Moments later (10am) I received a response not to call the borrower that the documents were coming. Then I got an email stating the day would be changed. I called the borrower and basically said to stand by. I requested to be paid via PayPal. I got a call from Mike stating they never pay via PayPal and he would remove me from there list of notaries. I said fine. Be carful here folks. Read the other reviews.

Gary Williamson
Ruth Simons Posted - 09/06/2014 : 1:27:34 PM
I have done quite a few signings for WFG, and they do indeed have some very large packages, but they have always paid very quickly, like within 2 weeks. Their website is a little hard to maneuver on to print the docs, but they also have a team of IT type tech people there to help you navigate. I don't mind taking their signings, especially since they pay so quickly.
mobilenotary41 Posted - 08/06/2014 : 08:38:10 AM
I did a closing for them on May 22, 2014. My fee was $130 and was uncontested. After having difficulty logging in to their website to print docs, I did not get to my appointment until 9 p.m. It was a 30 minute drive from my home. I was there for an hour and a half, therefore I did not return home until 11 p.m.!! I have YET to be paid!!! Will NEVER work for this company again.

Marcia, IL Mobile Notary
shoilun Posted - 07/22/2014 : 3:50:52 PM
After communicating with Michael Crowder several times, I finally received payment in full on July 23rd for a closing on January 23rd. I appreciate getting paid, however, I will never work for them again.

Stuart J Hoilund
mlrakamom Posted - 07/12/2014 : 6:34:27 PM
This company is not a good one! Three signings I did for them -- all over 200 pages. Each time I was assured: (1) I would get an additional fee because of the size and (2) Mike would get back to me to confirm that additional fee. I did not receive an additional fee nor did I receive any communication. They keep you waiting for a response until the last minute when it is unethical for you to back out. Tyson called to schedule another signing -- I advised what had happened and he assured me Mike would call and remedy the situation and if I had any problems in the future to call Tyson directly. I did call directly and nothing happened. Then Aaron called for a signing. I explained and he assured if there was ever a problem call him direct. Again - nothing happened when I called direct. Finally, Mike did return a call and asked for copy of e-mail from Helena confirming increased fee and he would OK. Haven't heard back from anyone and haven't received payment. I will not work for them again.
mlrakamom Posted - 07/12/2014 : 6:28:55 PM
Originally posted by Lee-AR

Only worked with them 1/2 dozen time over almost as many years.
Always accepted 'my' fee and paid within 2-3 weeks. However, last week I received a very firm $90 offer, edocs included. Said no.
They've gotten too cheap to bother with.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

Lee-AR Posted - 07/07/2014 : 08:49:14 AM
Only worked with them 1/2 dozen time over almost as many years.
Always accepted 'my' fee and paid within 2-3 weeks. However, last week I received a very firm $90 offer, edocs included. Said no.
They've gotten too cheap to bother with.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
signrocket Posted - 07/07/2014 : 06:27:23 AM
To: Stuart: Inform Crowder that you are going to seek payment directly from the signers. I sent a mass email to 10 people at WFG telling them all that I was contacting the signer. Magically my 3 month late payment was there in 3 days.
shoilun Posted - 07/04/2014 : 09:12:39 AM
I am trying to get paid for a closing done on January 23, 2014. I have sent numerous e-mails and invoices with no response until I e-mailed Michael Crowder on June 11th. He said just send him a W-9 and "Please send in a copy of your W-9 and we will get this out ASAP". Since then I have not heard a thing nor have I received payment. This closing was done under WFG Lender Services. I just sent another e-mail to Crowder and will see what happens.

Stuart J Hoilund
signrocket Posted - 06/13/2014 : 08:06:15 AM
If you work for free, WFG is for you. The "W" stands for "What?" the "F" stands for "Free" the "G" stands for GOOD BYE!!! 3 months past due on payment, NO ONE returns calls, only emails from non-interested employees of What? Free--Good Bye! When they 1st called, I said NO, I only work for established title companies due to non-payment issues. I got empty promises, printed 300 sheets of "incorrect names & figures" Signers were furious with What?Free-Good Bye, I told What? Free Good bye that I did NOT WANT to be on their "Notary List" why???? I do NOT WORK FOR FREE, and FREE is part of their name. Still unpaid after 3 months. I am now a bill collector and that is not part of Notary work---- is it????
sfuquay Posted - 06/02/2014 : 5:48:01 PM
I have done 2 closings for them this year (2014). The first one on 4/14/14 for $90 and they paid on 4/21/14. I think that's super! The second I did was on 5/15/14 for $120 and I got paid 2 1/2 weeks later, today on 6/2/14. I have not had any problems with getting paid. I hope any who have not been paid will see a payment soon. I have 2 email addresses for them, customermgmt@wfgls.com and mcrowder@wfgls.com. Maybe you can reach them better via email instead of phone.

Sarah Fuquay
notaryslife Posted - 07/11/2013 : 10:59:43 AM
This is an update on this company, they operate under the WFG Lender Services umbrella entity under many offices. I just got one from a branch in Westlake Village, CA. They used to offer $125 but are now undercutting fees to $90.

I only accepted this one time because I can walk to the location. They said they will only boost the fee under extenuating circumstances so I no longer anticipate doing business with them. Shame on them, they're the title company! Some greedy pig is running things and short changing notaries.

Sincerely yours,

Notary's Life
23463 Posted - 05/17/2013 : 09:35:23 AM
Payment not received for signing March 3. It is now May 17. Said invoice not received. Re faxed invoice and still have not received payment.
ALNOTARY Posted - 03/15/2013 : 12:36:37 PM
Candice is a great gal! I love working with WFG Lender Services! I have no payment or doc issues since I have been working with them! Thanks, Candice!

TGS1985 Posted - 03/15/2013 : 12:08:16 PM
I stop doing business with them due to the fact that they have continually hired my services on short notice (hours before) yet only provide me with the docs at very last minute.

- Tyler Soares -
Notary Public & Loan Signing Agent
17023 Posted - 02/20/2013 : 7:45:44 PM
I have done many signings for them, most of them come from Plano, Texas. They always pay within 2 weeks, great to work with. No complaints from me on WFG.
Diana Posted - 02/20/2013 : 12:07:48 PM
60 days to get paid?? Thats not acceptable for me.. Im glad I didnt sign up with them.. Good Luck.
Originally posted by BrandonH

Paid in Full on Christmas Eve!

Twitter :@notarynowtexas

Facebook :facebook.com/notarynowtexas

Rated #1 in Central Texas

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