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 Midwest Mortgage Services

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 01/04/2012 : 8:20:02 PM
Has anyone worked for Midwest Mortgage Services before? Are they pleasant to work for?

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penny Posted - 07/18/2019 : 05:29:43 AM
HIRE THESE FOLKS AT MIDWEST MORTGAGE SERVICES!! Yesterday I did a Seller's Closing for Midwest, and I was so pleased that the paperwork was in perfect shape, that Mr. King was accommodating, professional, and friendly, ... and, very important, he was available by phone very early in the morning for any questions that might arise. Before the ink was dry I was advised by email that Check No. ___ had been issued and was in the mail for me. YES! Because of all of the above the signing went really well. Thank you Midwest Mortgage. I'll be delighted to assist Midwest on future assignments. Penny 7-18-2019

/Penny Henritze
NotaryMark Posted - 07/01/2014 : 1:03:44 PM
WELL A REPLY FROM MIDWEST MORTGAGE: To quote his text message,
"Good luck with your signing career. Very important to get the state spousal docs signed In alignment with state law. This check is on my desk and was to be sent Monday. Failure to take responsibility cost you another week. Proceed as you see fit."

How Professional and mature of Mr Richard, 'Rick' King.

Originally posted by NotaryMark

I have today had to raise a demand for payment of work in may following a string of polite reminders for payment overdue.

The signing in mention was a fiasco from the start, doomed to problems and probable missed signatures, documents were not ready or printed on my arrival to the signing location. When printed they were incomplete. At this point I should have left but called Mr King and offered to stay at the location for signing. He thanked me for my professional attitude. I stayed at the location for five hours whilst the documents were completed and downloaded and printed. There were two people at the signing, of different last names but only one of them was shown listed on the documents. There were no spousal documents or spousal name affidavits as is usual in Missouri. I obtained the listed persons signatures. If problems were to be, they remained with the title company and not Midwest or myself.

However only today does Mr Richard (Rick) King mention some errors that have held up payment, and instead of contacting me about said errors, he hired another notary, and suggested I get more training and experience as a Notary. So I guess I am a 'patsy' or 'fall guy' on this signing. So does this mean I shall receive no payment? I will update this site as this develops. To date I have done over 100 signings with no errors or omissions, with reputable signing agencies.

It is patronizing and frankly stupid to think that a Notary should have hundreds of signings to be proficient. I agree there has to be a range and number but quantity doesn't necessarily mean proficiency. There are only a certain amount of formats to cover,and after signing at mortgages, debt re-consolidations, loans, investments, titles, 2nd mortgages, refinance you pretty much have the bag.

Mark Antony Fletcher

Mark Antony Fletcher

Mark Antony Fletcher
NotaryMark Posted - 07/01/2014 : 12:54:04 PM
I have today had to raise a demand for payment of work in may following a string of polite reminders for payment overdue.

The signing in mention was a fiasco from the start, doomed to problems and probable missed signatures, documents were not ready or printed on my arrival to the signing location. When printed they were incomplete. At this point I should have left but called Mr King and offered to stay at the location for signing. He thanked me for my professional attitude. I stayed at the location for five hours whilst the documents were completed and downloaded and printed. There were two people at the signing, of different last names but only one of them was shown listed on the documents. There were no spousal documents or spousal name affidavits as is usual in Missouri. I obtained the listed persons signatures. If problems were to be, they remained with the title company and not Midwest or myself.

However only today does Mr Richard (Rick) King mention some errors that have held up payment, and instead of contacting me about said errors, he hired another notary, and suggested I get more training and experience as a Notary. So I guess I am a 'patsy' or 'fall guy' on this signing. So does this mean I shall receive no payment? I will update this site as this develops. To date I have done over 100 signings with no errors or omissions, with reputable signing agencies.

It is patronizing and frankly stupid to think that a Notary should have hundreds of signings to be proficient. I agree there has to be a range and number but quantity doesn't necessarily mean proficiency. There are only a certain amount of formats to cover,and after signing at mortgages, debt re-consolidations, loans, investments, titles, 2nd mortgages, refinance you pretty much have the bag.

Mark Antony Fletcher

Mark Antony Fletcher
anne Posted - 05/30/2013 : 09:36:09 AM
Mr. King called and apologized and has set up payment through pay pal.
anne Posted - 05/30/2013 : 08:41:27 AM
I have not been able to collect on a closing done in March. Rick King was pleasant to work with but it's frustrating to have to hound him for payment. I just wrote again today and hope for results this time.
mgb1966 Posted - 08/02/2012 : 4:48:08 PM
Originally posted by mgb1966

I did a deed closing on April 6 and am still waiting for my check. I have sent notices by regular mail and email both to no avail. No response. I hope Mr. King comes through for me, but I am losing faith

I have received my check along with an apology for the accounting error. That is great in my book. I recommend this service to all here.
mgb1966 Posted - 07/30/2012 : 1:41:00 PM
I did a deed closing on April 6 and am still waiting for my check. I have sent notices by regular mail and email both to no avail. No response. I hope Mr. King comes through for me, but I am losing faith
mtomlinson Posted - 04/18/2012 : 08:04:26 AM
Rick King with Midwest Mortgage is a great company to work with.

Michael D. Tomlinson
P2R Posted - 04/12/2012 : 1:17:13 PM
I've done 5 closings for Richard at Midwest Mortgage. Great company, very nice gentleman, pays within 2 weeks.

Paralegal to the Rescue
mrmees Posted - 04/01/2012 : 11:40:14 AM
Very pleasant. I've done cash closings form them and they pay within 10 days. Wish all my employers were so straight with their notaries.

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