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 Armour Settlement Services

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 09/19/2011 : 11:53:03 PM
Has anyone worked for this company?

22   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rkmw01 Posted - 09/29/2020 : 06:21:48 AM
Armour really stinks. I was asked to get a POA signed. The Borrower gave a General POA to her father. The Borrower was deployed with the DENG. After getting the POA signed Armour calls me and said I did it wrong. I told them several times the Borrower was away. The father had a general POA. There is no reason he could not sign a specific POA.

Anyway, Armour calls me to do the closing with the same Borrower. We agreed on a fee. They send me an order with a fee of $40 less. I refuse the assignment. They never tell the Borrower I declined the assignment.

They are the worse

Ronald K Williams-Garcia
rkmw01 Posted - 09/29/2020 : 06:16:29 AM
Originally posted by jocelynj

I got an order that came through the "Signing Order" platform from Armour Settlement services. I accepted it and they said I was assigned, but it wasn't on the website and no email, so they didn't assign. It literally came though like probably 8-10 times and I kept accepting it.

Then, I got a call from the borrower that I was assigned, and yet I wasn't. I started to wonder just who this company was, since they seemed to not know what they were doing. The reviews were horrible I noticed, and right after that, they ended up assigning it to me, and Cameron texted me to ask if I had confirmed.

I told him about the issues and also asked for an explanation about the reviews. He ignored my question about the reviews so I called him, and asked why the reviews are so poor. He said, as condescendingly as possible "Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't know we need to explain anything to notaries!" Are you kidding me?

So I asked to be removed from the order and I warned the other notaries in the area, but sadly, one of them that I talk to all the time still took it. She didn't have mine, or any other notary's back, nor her own, as she will probably regret it. I always aim to put companies like this out of business. I am so disheartened that she took it.

Jocelyn Waters

Ronald K Williams-Garcia
jocelynj Posted - 07/02/2019 : 1:07:30 PM
I got an order that came through the "Signing Order" platform from Armour Settlement services. I accepted it and they said I was assigned, but it wasn't on the website and no email, so they didn't assign. It literally came though like probably 8-10 times and I kept accepting it.

Then, I got a call from the borrower that I was assigned, and yet I wasn't. I started to wonder just who this company was, since they seemed to not know what they were doing. The reviews were horrible I noticed, and right after that, they ended up assigning it to me, and Cameron texted me to ask if I had confirmed.

I told him about the issues and also asked for an explanation about the reviews. He ignored my question about the reviews so I called him, and asked why the reviews are so poor. He said, as condescendingly as possible "Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't know we need to explain anything to notaries!" Are you kidding me?

So I asked to be removed from the order and I warned the other notaries in the area, but sadly, one of them that I talk to all the time still took it. She didn't have mine, or any other notary's back, nor her own, as she will probably regret it. I always aim to put companies like this out of business. I am so disheartened that she took it.

Jocelyn Waters
arleneg Posted - 06/19/2014 : 12:58:34 PM
I just received a call from Christine at this company. When I had time to check this site I see they were a non paying company. Has anyone dealt with this company lately. When I emailed her back saying I saw that her company did not pay she just said ok.

Arlene Griffin
BrandonH Posted - 01/23/2013 : 06:52:02 AM

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Rated #1 in Central Texas
mapsypam Posted - 01/22/2013 : 06:15:19 AM
I just asked them to hold on for a second while I checked out their reviews on here and she hung up on me.

Pamela Philyaw
BrandonH Posted - 12/04/2012 : 07:08:37 AM
Well I am STILL waiting on my check from Septembers EOM. :(

Twitter :@notarynowtexas

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Rated #1 in Central Texas
jbelmont Posted - 12/03/2012 : 1:46:24 PM
The management at Armour Title wrote to me and told me that they did NOT used to be Patriot Title, and that it is a false statement to claim that they were!

cw2usarmyret Posted - 04/05/2012 : 12:24:35 PM
Rcvd ck dated 30 Mar on the 5th of Apr. This was payment from 2nd invoice.
usasigningagent12 Posted - 04/04/2012 : 06:16:49 AM
They are the worst one I have ever worked with. Non payment and rude. It is like they wore doing me a favor to finally pay and the effort it took to get paid wasn't worth the cost of the job alone.

I had better dealings with Safir Saignings even. I will never take another job from Armour.
cw2usarmyret Posted - 03/31/2012 : 06:56:40 AM
On the 1st of Mar I did a job for Jessica and I sent an invoice to her. On the 30th I followed up with her about payment. She said send in an invoice and I'll get you paid. I sent in a second copy. I never asked what happened to the first invoice. Should I tske this as a hint about their "payment system"? Is this one of those companies that will say anything if they are in a bind but you become a "problem vendor" if you bother them about unimportant things like getting paid?
tuscanygarden Posted - 03/21/2012 : 12:45:36 AM

I worked for Armour Settlement several months ago and it was my third time. At that particular signing We completed all the physical docs, while waiting to solve issue with esigning. Never could solve sign in. It was there problem and I spent several hours trying to work with them. I could not come back the second time.
I billed them, and as of yet, 3 months later I still haven't been paid.
Every time I contact them, Jessica says she turned it in. I would not work for them again.



ladylea Posted - 03/14/2012 : 3:46:04 PM
I have had a nice experience with Jessica at Armour Settlement. I did a loan signing for them on 2/28/2012 and got paid 3/14/12. I found them easy to work with, and were always available for questions.

I would definitely work for them again.

Lydia Stambuk
CopperheadVA Posted - 02/23/2012 : 07:29:48 AM
Well I am glad to know of the payment issues. If I had been available when they called, I would have accepted their closings unknowingly. Now I will know not to accept at all.
mbs653 Posted - 02/23/2012 : 05:49:39 AM
The reason no one has commented is because we have always been paid upon funding and never any problems. I believed Jessica and her 1st story. I've contacted NotRot to change (name removed) Title to Armour Settlement and am waiting for the name change so I can post this info. The other Closing agent and I have tried to give them some time to make good, unfortunately Jessica just keeps telling untrue stories. Some people have been paid at least according to this string. The other closing agent will post in SC once the name change is completed. Don't know if I will ever work for her again.

CopperheadVA Posted - 02/23/2012 : 05:06:42 AM
They have good reviews on Notary Rotary - I wonder why payment issues have not been reported there yet? They have called me several times recently but I have already been booked.
mbs653 Posted - 02/23/2012 : 04:36:50 AM
Your lucky to have been paid. Armour owes me and another closing agent since December 2011 and have told me the check is in the mail 3x. Jessica doesn't tell convincing stories.

sigtogo Posted - 01/07/2012 : 4:08:16 PM
I did two signings for Armour in December and they paid promptly and paid generously. I would work for them anytime!
rparker Posted - 11/15/2011 : 06:07:19 AM
I have done work for Armour Settlement Services for over three years here in Virginia and you are correct in that they were initially known as (name removed) Title. They changed their name the first of 2011. Since they are in MD, it has meant some fairly steady work over the years when they have closings in my area. They pay on time and Jessica is a gem to work with. I would have no hesitation in recommending them.
CopperheadVA Posted - 10/03/2011 : 04:28:03 AM
I believe that Armour Settlement Services used to be called (name removed) Title. Last week, I got a call from Jessica at Armour Settlement Services. She sounded a lot like the Jessica from (name removed) Title. I looked up the (name removed) Title website that was connected to some prior forum postings, and it brings you to a website for Armour Settlement Services. Click on the "Contact Us" link and the address listed is the same as was for (name removed) Title.
nicolean Posted - 10/02/2011 : 08:29:08 AM
IF they're Armour Settlement Services, I love working for them. They pay promptly.
sigtogo Posted - 09/21/2011 : 3:57:21 PM
are you sure you don't mean Armour Settlement Services, LLC out of Maryland? where are they located?
I got a request today and would love to know if anyone has worked with them.

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