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 DMI Closings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mentalmi Posted - 08/27/2011 : 11:54:34 AM
Has anyone worked with DMI Closings out of NJ?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
11763 Posted - 12/30/2021 : 07:56:50 AM
I have completed one signing for DMI Closings. She is an old-school signing service that FedExes the loan package to you vs a download for printing. The pay was decent for the job. I am a CA notary signing agent and her order was for an NJ investment property. I had a couple of questions on forms I had never seen before and she had the title company provide the answers for me. I have been a notary signing agent for 14 years and it was refreshing to actually speak with someone vs endless texts and emails. I would highly recommend DMI Closings and do business with her in the future. Great company to work with.

Gail P. Gentry
Notary_Narayan Posted - 12/12/2016 : 9:40:32 PM
I have been working with Dineen of DMI closings for the past few months. Notary instructions are detailed, She is quite involved with her notaries and provides them constructive feedback to help them improve their mistakes. How many do that today? huh. They just drop you for a small mistake and never call you back. She also pays promptly. I have done mostly Purchase/Sale type of closings. Instructions arrive by email, docs by fedex. No printing. The closings have been a cakewalk. Scanbacks required if funding authorization required. No problems. I will definitely do business with her and would recommend her. Comments about past performance here is not indicative of present. After all people change and do change for the better. I hope to get more business.
edelske Posted - 06/25/2013 : 2:40:29 PM
Received today for a Manhattan Mid-Town Refi:

Just show up at closing no printing or confirmation with borrowers is required your fee will be $60.00

Was sent "cattle call" style without my email address "BCC" presumably to a bunch of potential notaries.



Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
Dapper Dan Posted - 03/09/2013 : 5:01:09 PM
I have worked with DMI on three separate occasions and the owner is just an old school New Jersey bred loan signing refinance boomer business woman. She simply wants the best for her clients and she demands the best service from you if she gives you a contract. I have had nothing but great business from this company. I hate to hear someone had a bad experience.
I will definitely do business with DMI Closings again.

Best Regards,

Daniel P. Wurzbacher
Wurzbacher Enterprises LLC, Chief Executive Officer
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/danielwurzbacher/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewurzbacher

Wurzbacher Enterprises LLC
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"Industry is the soul of business and the keystone to prosperity".
-- Charles Dickens
mentalmi Posted - 03/07/2013 : 09:39:34 AM
Beware of DMI Closings Very Unprofessional. I had to cancel a job with her. I gave her almost 24 hr notice, as I did other companies, and had canceled due to inclement weather that we were suppose to be getting. I was trying to give as much notice as possible so as not to leave them stuck. She called and left a message with my son while I was with a client. I had emailed and canceled with her before I even knew she had called. Yet she claimed I refused to take her call. She then, immediately threatened to report me to 123 Notary and the NNA, which in fact she did. This was only the second time I had spoken to her. The first time was over a year ago, and the signing that I was suppose to do for her had been rescheduled to a time I was not available for anymore. Be careful with this company. Dineen is quite vindictive should you cancel with her.


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