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 The doc signers inc

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megan23247 Posted - 06/27/2011 : 8:10:13 PM
Anyone ever heard of them before/? I received an email from them.today and they.require I pay a fee first and that they pay the SA's ten days after the job is done. Is any of this true?
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dawnrin Posted - 06/10/2019 : 08:28:05 AM
AWESOME COMPANY! Was paid within 8 hours of signing! They can call me anytime!
mihaelamillette Posted - 08/03/2017 : 7:25:37 PM
Great company to work with. Very friendly and professional.When I had a question about the documents they clear everything up, the documents came in time and I got paid on the same day of the signing.I would definitely work with them if I will get the chance.

Mihaela Millette
kerease Posted - 05/02/2016 : 12:25:33 PM

Kerease Margita
dawnrin Posted - 12/17/2013 : 3:32:06 PM
Excellent pay, no hand holding. Paid via PayPal SAME DAY! A pleasure to work with. Wish all signing companies were this awesome!

Dawn Rinchiuso
kevinwbyrd Posted - 04/24/2013 : 2:02:38 PM
I did a E sign for this last week and received payment this week... WOW that's the way I like it.. Great company, no hand holding, reporting in or faxbacks...

Fantastic Services
Kevin Byrd
209 983 1731

Follow me on FB at https://www.facebook.com/stocktonmobilenotarypublic
jeninohio Posted - 02/27/2013 : 06:20:30 AM
I was skeptical to take on a new client and didn't have time to do any research but they were wonderful to work with! Docs came in a timely manner and I received payment a week after the closing. I will definitely work with them again.

Jennifer Cotsmire
Notary Signing Agent
blp Posted - 06/14/2012 : 12:30:27 PM
I did my first signing with the Doc Signers on June 7th. I had never heard of them and I did not have a chance to check them out, so I took it and am really glad that I did. They were great to work with always answer the phone if you call pay is good and very fast at paying. Would love for them to call me again. Thanks Doc Signers

Brenda L Peace
jmwible Posted - 05/17/2012 : 3:26:21 PM
Great experience working for The Doc Signers, Inc. They are for real! They really make you feel appreicated.If all companies treated their notaries the way The Doc Signers, Inc. do people would be beating down the door to take our jobs. Thanks Doc Signers, for the quick pay and creating such high standards. All Signing companies could learn from you!
ajtobin113068 Posted - 02/28/2012 : 09:04:22 AM
Did one closing for them and received a check within a week and problems at closing so they paid me an extra $50 because it took longer to close. I would say they're EXCELLENT TO work for.
edelske Posted - 02/22/2012 : 5:08:18 PM
NOT a scam. Very honorable outfit. Mike is very honest. Go to their web site and read the notary payment policy. Menu item "Notary Registry". They work in a very open and trusting manner. I have ASKED THEM to send checks and NOT pay via PayPal to save myself the PayPal fees. I don't do that very often!

If you get a call from Mike, or the Lady who works there; grab it for a fair fee. The flip side is to really double / triple check your work to be sure there is not the slightest error.

They are a signing agent's dream caller. They deserve your best effort. If you are really, really good - sign up with them - I did not see any mention of a "sign up" fee and believe that was dropped. You can send Mike an email to verify the "sign up" if that is a concern to you.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
megan23247 Posted - 06/28/2011 : 4:35:54 PM
Thats kinda what I gathered. No clue why any company would want us to pay first, seems like a scam. Thanks for the info COPPERHEADVA
CopperheadVA Posted - 06/28/2011 : 04:45:33 AM
They have good reviews on another notary website, but you should NEVER pay to sign up with a signing service. If they have a job in your area, they will call you and put you in their database for free.


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