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 Mortgage Connect, LP

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
active Posted - 05/15/2009 : 2:04:22 PM
I got a call from this company today asking notaries to do closings for them. Has anyone worked with this group before? I don't see anything on the site about them. Before I sign up with them I was hoping someone else has worked with them and could share their working experience with the rest of us. It is my experience that companies cold calling notaries to sign on with them is a bad omen.
Thanks, Chris
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
23931 Posted - 09/13/2018 : 10:14:38 AM
I worked consistently for them for two years...excessive number of pages, notary stamps and all require scan backs. You are not allowed to ship until scan backs are approved, but RARELY will you get a call to ship. YOU will have to I was paid well $175 for CASH OUT REFI's in TEXAS for two years until I requested payment for NO SIGN/NO CANCELLATION last month. Same as INSPIRE...they dropped me. Do NOT rely on them..they do not value you.

Shannon Hobbs
102740 Posted - 05/17/2017 : 4:49:10 PM
I received an email from them today asking me to come down some on my fees to be closer to their target rate during this slow period and in return they will send me more work. My question is, what exactly is their target rate? The last offer I got from them was $75 for a purchase w/faxbacks which I turned down. I think they are even lower than that now.
Originally posted by Fuzzy1955

Just received a call from Mortgage Connect asking me to drop my fee by $5 and I would get more volume. Are you kidding me! These files all require fax backs and are sizable as well. These companies CANNOT control the volume they send us. This is the oldest "dodge" in the book. They have no idea where their orders are coming from, and they certainly do not know if I am available to handle their order when they do call. The called me because I do quality work for them. Then pay for my quality work or suffer the consequences!


Kimberly J Brennan
Fuzzy1955 Posted - 05/23/2016 : 08:47:48 AM
Just received a call from Mortgage Connect asking me to drop my fee by $5 and I would get more volume. Are you kidding me! These files all require fax backs and are sizable as well. These companies CANNOT control the volume they send us. This is the oldest "dodge" in the book. They have no idea where their orders are coming from, and they certainly do not know if I am available to handle their order when they do call. The called me because I do quality work for them. Then pay for my quality work or suffer the consequences!

closer2001 Posted - 05/19/2016 : 09:28:51 AM
Mortgage connect has a sub "Inspire Closing Serivces. They are doing mostly VA loans with packages of 175 to 190 pages and pay $85. I was told that I had to invoice for payment so I did invoice to Mortgage connect as usual with the Inspire signings on Mortgage Connect Invoice Form. Well they didn't pay and when I inquired they said that I would have to submit an invoice on "Their" form and could not use the one for Mortgage connect. I did this on 4/29 for signings going back to 2/29 thru 4/29. Today I get a check for the April signings only. I call in and cannot get a straight answer from the person in charge Magally. She has to check with accounting, a check will be mailed tomorrow.....blah blah blah. The kicker is their checks come from the same department and are signed by the same person. Beware....
KHSTjudi Posted - 04/28/2016 : 09:28:24 AM
I've been a notary for a while now, but I'm a new signing agent. I recently got a call from Mortgage Connect. I'm sure glad I checked the forum before signing up with them! Slow pay/no pay and more work than agreed for the fee are problems I do not need. Thanks for the feedback, fellow notaries.

Judi Kidd
Torudi59 Posted - 09/22/2015 : 04:56:19 AM
I'm still trying to get paid for a 04/25, 06/09 closing. First they told me they entered the wrong address, even though I sent in an invoice so I had to wait 30 days and even now I am still calling and again they say payment has been mailed. Wish I had checked reviews before taking them...

Originally posted by kerease

This company should be blackballed by all notaries and shut down. I am just one of many who have not been paid once again. When the annual conferences come up and more is required of the notaries, how about we band together and make it mandatory that the title companies pay us directly when the escrows close so we are not waiting 60-90 days to get paid.

Kerease Margita

Rhonda Hall, CNSA
kerease Posted - 09/20/2015 : 07:40:06 AM
This company should be blackballed by all notaries and shut down. I am just one of many who have not been paid once again. When the annual conferences come up and more is required of the notaries, how about we band together and make it mandatory that the title companies pay us directly when the escrows close so we are not waiting 60-90 days to get paid.

Kerease Margita
Dannotary Posted - 07/06/2015 : 3:47:20 PM
Have been getting $125. an appt. in Calif, no problem, however, there is either a mistake or this is another new tactic for skimming off of notaries. Missed a whole month of pay, but they paid the month after that and before that ok. I have refused appts. until I am paid for that month of missed pay. Watch out for this company. Lots of work and huge packages with extra notarizations and in Calif that means attaching lots of acks and jurats.
They just got 86'd by me.
28206 Posted - 06/03/2015 : 06:52:10 AM
Yes, Very Bad Company!!!!!!
They schedule me for two jobs in the past month and was not even notified they were not going to happen.... When I called to see what happen they were rude and said that they had other files to attend and hung up.... Also they take a long time to paid, sometimes I have to resubmit my invoice twice before I get paid... To top it off they want fax back and lowball you all the time. Bottom Line very unprofessional......
yvonne1134 Posted - 02/03/2015 : 4:02:03 PM
I did 2 signings for this company one last minute closing on December 19th and another on January 9th, I have not been paid for either. when I started asking for payment information about a week ago, they told me they never received the invoices, I re-sent them via email and was told they will process them immediately. A week later (today) I called to inquire about the payment...I received a reply that said see attached, it was a blank spreadsheet with a column for date, invoice number borrower name and billed amount. I guess they wanted me to fill out the spreadsheet with the 2 past due invoices. I came unglued!!!! I rushed out of the house at 8pm on December 19th to get this HOT closing done for them and now to encounter this, UNACCEPTABLE. I am so mad at them, I would suggest not working for this company. They don't pay on time.
colourfastt Posted - 12/10/2014 : 09:29:12 AM
I got a call from MC this morning "inviting" me to sign up with them. After reading the comments here and on other sites ... NO!!!! Of course they wouldn't accept my fees in the first place: $25 per notary signature and faxbacks at $1.50 per page.
cobbloanclosings Posted - 09/23/2014 : 09:57:41 AM
I received a phone call from Mortgage Connect LP Friday. I asked about fax backs and was told none. They quoted a fee of $75 and I told them the fee was low. Caller said the signing was a one sided closing and they would ship the docs to me as someone else had already signed who was from some where else. So, I agreed since there were to be no fax backs and no printing. Later that night an email arrived with a notary packet which contained 25 pages for me to complete and send back to them before I would be allowed to close the loan. I held off completing the application process and glad I did not waste my time! Then, an email arrived which showed the docs would be posted to a website for me to download and print! To top it off there WERE FAX BACKS! Then, later an attorney emailed me stating that when I got to the closing to call him and he would stay on the line the entire time during the closing. Well, after all this, I sent an email to Mortgage Connect and the attorney and declined. I also informed them I would not be completing the application. Another requirement they have is they make the notary bill them on a monthly basis. Anyway, I would not recommend this signing company to anyone. They are not truthful!!!

FLnotary1 Posted - 09/16/2014 : 3:22:51 PM
I revolted against Mortgage Connect today. This company now "mandates" that notaries attend their training sessions. I sat through one a few months ago, now they have another.
I have not had any assignments from them this year. This mandate is a violation of the independent contractor arrangement. If they want my time it is available for $75.00 per hour.

I sent a e-mail stating that if they were unable to accept the standards of the National Notary Association they should remove my name from their lists.

13918 Posted - 09/16/2014 : 07:25:40 AM
Thanks for the heads up. Has anyone had any trouble with Pacific Title company located in Allen Texas?

Sandy Ivy
lsaversl Posted - 09/14/2014 : 1:48:24 PM
NOTARY BEWARE-2 sets of 150 docs, 70-100 page fax backs for $75.00-I asked for $125.00, and they said I was pricing myself out, and that they wouldn't call me anymore, I said it was a pleasure doing business with you.

Larry Saverslak
solanda10 Posted - 09/12/2014 : 09:36:34 AM
Thanks for the heads up about MC they called me the other day. I was wondering where they get my information. I read the package but I always ask about companies before I sign with them. Thanks for saving me the headache I'm new just got my certification in May of this year 2014. Please let me know of some good companies thanks.

Solanda Harris
debmillers Posted - 04/10/2014 : 08:27:43 AM
This is one of the companies that is now requiring copies of your full background check not the certificate. This is ridiculous. These bad companies are the only ones requiring this.This opens up a privacy issue and everyone needs to be aware of this. We all know that there is a high turn over in employes at a lot of these companies and if they have all our information our chances for Identity Theft increases. I also have a background check with the federal government for another job I have and no one can even see it. All they can know is I passed.

Grandy Posted - 02/15/2014 : 1:46:06 PM
I have recently completed two signings for this company. I agreed to the fee - decent and the signings were local. Unfortunately, I didn't ask about the fax backs. The last one was over 60 pages. Not only does it take extra time - which I should be paid for - but the cost of ink now is extremely high. Forget it. I will send back the package asap, and will be happy to send 4-6 pages over fax if needed, but never again will I accept the fee and send 60 pages outside the package. Always ask them how many pages and then charge for that as well as your usual fee!
peanut20 Posted - 01/14/2014 : 2:50:46 PM
Just got a call from them, She wanted to talk to me about a closing I did 3 weeks ago, and Im thinking OH OH, I had faxed back all the docs and the next morning they called and asked if I had collected funds, which I did, I forgot to fax a copy of the check, no big deal I hadn't dropped yet and sent it over. Now 3 weeks later I get a call to discuss what I had missed, needless to say I wasn't to pleased being lectured about something that was corrected at the time of the closing and Im done. They are just not worth it.

edelske Posted - 12/17/2013 : 5:51:39 PM
I have read the prior posts and find a common theme - most, not all, of you are responding to their conditions. That's absurd. YOU are the "vendor" they are the "customer". It is the vendor who sets the terms not the buyer. Can you image the reception I would get at Exxon if I told them to fill it up and invoice me, that if my car stalls due to perceived moisture in the gas I would deduct 35%.

Many of you negotiate from a point of weakness, discussing a set of arbitrary terms from your customers, pardon me but that's back asswards.

Yes, I can add your assignment to my schedule. MY terms are as follows, NO - I don't want to hear YOUR policies - MINE are the only relevant ones.

You have half an hour to PayPal the full amount - only then do I make a calendar entry.
My fee for a standard job is $150, around 150 page max, I fax for one dollar a page, I call you if I need your help, you don't call me.

That's not how you like it? Then find someone else, and please put me on your "do not call list" so we won't have this conversation again.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
lsaversl Posted - 12/17/2013 : 10:52:50 AM
Should have read your note-They are becoming the whores of the industry-they call you up, minimum one set 140 docs, plus another 140 for the borrower, then critical 40 page fax backs, and they want it done for $75.00, you negotiate a higher price wish is acceptable to them, which is higher that there minimum, they call you back, and say that it was already assigned to someone else. If this is the standard of what they want for notaries, then I will not be a part of there of there unethical practices

Larry Saverslak
peanut20 Posted - 12/06/2013 : 1:51:14 PM
I am reading these post as I sit over my fax machine watching 40 pages work its way through and saying to myself why the hell did I take this closing for 75.00. I was slow and thought well keep myself bust for a few hours, not worth it, Im done with them. They want us to whore out cheap for them, Im finished.

sherrigabel Posted - 12/02/2013 : 4:42:58 PM
I have sent them the following letter, which will also be sent to any other company who is in bed with NNA for all these forced background checks that, in my case, literally haven't changed a single word since my first background check done in 2004. Well the date completed and my address has changed a few times, but nothing else.

Dear Sir/ MAAM,

After reviewing this email from your company I need to ask that you remove me from your data bank. I understand national standards require background checks. The depth that your company wants is ridiculous. It is not an industry standard to use NNA, $99 plus membership, or the US Special Services, $47 base cost with many additional add on costs, that is a company preference that along with your company's low rate of pay and required fax backs will continue to harm your business as many other notaries feel the same as I do.

If I were to become an employee of your company than your company would be able to control how I do my job, what tools I need for my job, being able to make determinations on whether or not I have a driver license and a DMV record, etc, but since I am an independent contractor, that has been trained to do my job to the industry standards, who has been background checked many times, with at least 2 completely different background checks each year at a much lower cost together than just one with the NNA I find it unexceptionable that I be forced to use background companies who are getting rich off other notaries as well as myself.

In the past I have enjoyed working with your company, but with all the additional costs your company's requirements would cost me if I were to comply, it has become too costly to continue our contractor/ independent contractor relationship. If in the future your company decides to foot the costs of the NNA or US Special Services or decides to increase the fees your company is willing to pay per closing, please feel free to contact me to renegotiate the contractor/ independent contractor requirements.Until that time,again as of this date, Dec 2, 2013, I am again requesting that you remove me from your data base of notaries.

Thank you,

Paulin Posted - 11/20/2013 : 07:16:24 AM
Dear, Sir/Ma.

Legitimate offer of FC and SS Bank Guarantee (BG) and Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) alongside a number of other Bank Instruments specifically for Lease with the option of sale optionally available from a certified financial group. We deliver cautios of the time line required for the completion of transactions and other intermediaries are welcome to deal. Other financial instruments such as MTN, CD, DLC, PB are also available.

Kindly contact me for serious enquiries via email or on Skype.

Email: paulin.lease@gmail.com
Skype: lease.paulin
closer2001 Posted - 11/20/2013 : 04:52:49 AM
I have 4 signings that go back over 60 days that I haven't been paid on. Beware!!

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