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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mbs653 Posted - 09/04/2008 : 1:06:15 PM
Located in Reading Pa. Paid as agreed and on time as stated. Would work for them again. Pleasant to work with.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KHSTjudi Posted - 01/29/2018 : 07:50:16 AM
Always happy to hear from these guys. They offer fair rates, increase without a request if the package size is larger than expected, and pay monthly without fail. They are polite, pleasant, and respectful. A great agency to contract with!

Judi Kidd
marie.rambaran Posted - 10/03/2017 : 06:18:50 AM
Excellent company to work with love all the guys there, always checking up on me and very professional in what they do.

Marie Rambaran
Florida Girl Posted - 08/09/2017 : 03:47:13 AM
I have been working with them since March 2017. Great Company!
They keep calling me and I try not to turn them down. I have done over a dozen successful signings and I still have good words to say about them. That doesn't happen much anymore.

Linda Ann Frezza
KHSTjudi Posted - 06/18/2017 : 1:44:12 PM
UPDATE: Happy to say I've closed a number for these guys. Good experiences, all! Fair pay, respectful, good communications, consistent expectations.
overquailified1 Posted - 06/06/2017 : 05:45:56 AM
Always have had positive experiences with them and have been paid timely.
BerylG Posted - 06/02/2017 : 10:37:08 AM
This post is a positive - that they offer to pay me more - just did not like the fact that there is a possibility of not being paid.

Beryl Butler
BerylG Posted - 06/02/2017 : 10:23:35 AM
Just did my 2nd or 3rd assignment and one big thing bothered me. If the lender does not fund the loan then you do not get paid for all the work you have done. I did a Reverse Mortgage which is a big package (without asking they increased my fee which was wonderful) but with a 96 year old man - I was at his house for 3 1/2 hours and between printing a large package - there were many many pages to notarize these documents. I am praying that the lender funds this as the trip and print fee alone would be under $10 per hour AND that does not even take into consideration all the other fees we notary's have to pay. Cell phone - computer internet connection - printer and supplies - Back Ground check annually - E & O - commission fees - etc.

Beryl Butler
mentalmi Posted - 04/13/2017 : 10:19:20 AM
No worries with this company. Very easy to deal with and contact. The "no confirm" is not unusual.

Kaye08 Posted - 04/13/2017 : 05:48:52 AM
This is a fairly new company for me to work with. They always tell me their client demands a no contact from me ahead of signing. They stress that I am NOT to call to confirm appointment. This makes me uncomfortable. Is this normal for them or you? Thank you for your response.

ohionotarial Posted - 07/29/2016 : 07:17:03 AM
Great company, always fair and respectful. I never have to ask about fees or terms. They pay Net 30.

Jay Schankman
740 804 1643
KHSTjudi Posted - 07/19/2016 : 08:07:44 AM
Just did my first signing with them. Wrong address on confirmation sheet (good thing I confirm that during the call), but seemed like a decent business model. Pleasant people, clearly stated expectations, good website, decent rate.
novice41 Posted - 04/04/2013 : 9:34:23 PM
Hello All,
The Accountable Agents are awesome to work with. I worked for Ray as long as eight years ago when he was with The Rose.They have a top notch business with top notch employees. They are one of my core companies to work for and hope to work with them for years to come.
kandy1099 Posted - 07/06/2011 : 8:44:09 PM
They are an excellent company to work for, and always pay on time. I have done lots of loans for them!

blp Posted - 04/26/2011 : 7:48:19 PM
Gregg at Accountable Agents is great to work for, very pleasant and great at paying. They pay the 5th of each month which is fine with me, I know that when I check my mail on the 8th or 9th I no I will have a check in there.

Brenda L Peace
lildeb1951 Posted - 09/05/2008 : 12:44:07 PM
Yes, it is and fortunately there are still quite a few good ones hanging on during this bleak time. Too bad they don't cover AZ.

azdocsign Posted - 09/05/2008 : 12:23:59 PM
Ilene - Thanks so much - It is nice to hear about the good ones from another notary. With so many companies having problems right now - they should be proud to receive your comments.

Kathy Fletcher

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